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Long Queue Forms Ahead of Clarkson’s Pub Opening

People queuing outside at the opening of Jeremy Clarkson’s new pub, The Farmer’s Dog (Ben Birchall/PA) PA Wire

Dozens of people lined up to be among the first patrons inside Jeremy Clarkson’s new pub, The Farmer’s Dog, which opens today. The pub, located in Asthall near Burford in Oxfordshire, throws open its doors at midday after undergoing a rebranding. Originally known as The Windmill, Clarkson disclosed earlier this year that he acquired the property for “less than £1 million.”
Lauren Hanly and Blake Jones from Gloucester at the front of the queue outside The Farmer’s Dog (Ben Birchall/PA) (PA Wire)

Concerns have been raised that the new venture might exacerbate traffic issues, similar to those caused by the success of his Diddly Squat farm shop. At the front of the queue were Lauren Hanly and Blake Jones from Gloucester, who arrived just before 8 am. Hanly mentioned that they had previously visited Clarkson’s other establishments, Diddly Squat farm shop and Hawkstone Brewery, featured in his popular Amazon series, Clarkson’s Farm.

“We got here just before 8 am. We were surprised to be at the front. We thought it would be busier earlier, but then the gates weren’t opening until 7.30 am,” Hanly said. They had looked over the menu but were undecided on what to try. “Having Jeremy Clarkson’s name on it, it is always going to do well. It is a destination site, and people will come from all over, as well as the local community.”

Jones added, “We did think about queuing overnight. We left about 7.30 am and there were no queues or traffic, and we went straight in.”
Jeremy Clarkson arrived at the pub at 10.40am, bringing produce inside (Ben Birchall/PA) (PA Wire)

Clarkson arrived at around 10.40 am, parking at the rear before carrying a box into the pub. A marquee has already been set up within the five-acre site in anticipation of the opening. While some locals have expressed concerns, notably regarding traffic on the busy A40, others are optimistic. One local resident commented on Facebook, “I’m delighted he’s breathing some new life into that pub. I do worry about traffic though.”

Another local humorously wrote, “Might need three lanes on the A40 for the queuing cars and parked cars.”
The pub is Clarkson’s latest venture, following his Diddly Squat farm shop and Hawkstone brewery (Ben Birchall/PA) (PA Wire)

County and district councillor Liam Walker voiced his support for the pub, emphasizing that it would be beneficial for the local economy and tourism in West Oxfordshire. He dismissed any “parking row,” stating, “I am merely doing what local residents would expect and working on getting mitigations in place to reduce traffic and parking issues ensuring lessons have been learnt from the farm shop. Jeremy has my full support with his next venture, and I want the pub to be a success.”

Walker has previously discussed the issue with the local highway team, and Oxfordshire County Council has collaborated closely with Clarkson’s team. A council spokesman noted that several measures have been taken to mitigate traffic issues and ensure a smooth opening.

“Footway improvements have been made to better link the existing adjacent bus stops on the B4047 with the site of the pub to provide a safe and more sustainable option for those visitors that are able to take advantage of the hourly bus service, but whom might otherwise have travelled by car,” the spokesman said. Measures have also been implemented to highlight and deter inappropriate parking on highway verges. Motorists are urged to only use designated off-highway car parks.
Clarkson revealed he bought the pub for less than £1 million and renamed it from The Windmill to The Farmer’s Dog (Ben Birchall/PA) (PA Wire)

Clarkson’s attempts to expand his Diddly Squat farm project have faced resistance from local residents and authorities. His Amazon series, documenting his endeavors at Diddly Squat, has attracted a significant number of tourists, leading to frequent queues at the farm shop.

The TV personality had his plans to extend the car park on his property to accommodate 70 vehicles turned down by West Oxfordshire District Council. Similarly, a restaurant on his farm was shut down by the council, alleging it had opened without the necessary planning permission. At the pub, Clarkson intends to sell his own Hawkstone lager and produce from his farm.
The pub, which also has a self-service milk dispenser, is expected to draw tourists to the area following the success of Clarkson’s Amazon series (Ben Birchall/PA) (PA Wire)

The pub is equipped with a self-service milk dispenser and is expected to attract tourists, given Clarkson’s widespread popularity from his Amazon series.

Source: PA Wire