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Louis van Gaal: Without a Doubt, My ‘Worst’ Manager Ever

Ángel Di María, the 36-year-old midfielder currently playing for Benfica, is not shy about expressing his opinions on past coaches. In a recent interview with ESPN Argentina, he singled out Louis van Gaal as the worst manager he has worked under during his career.

When asked to name the top three managers in his career, Di María firmly stated, “The worst is Van Gaal, you can be sure of that. In case you had any doubt, I’ll clear that up for you right now.” His candid remarks spotlight the challenging season he endured at Manchester United.

This isn’t the first time Di María has criticized Van Gaal. Back in 2021, he used similar harsh words to describe the Dutch coach. However, Van Gaal dismissed those comments when he was preparing for a match between Argentina and the Netherlands during the 2022 World Cup. He remarked, “Ángel Di María is simply a really good football player. At the time when he played for Manchester United, he had a lot of personal issues.”

In contrast to his experiences with Van Gaal, Di María had high praise for Lionel Scaloni, who led Argentina to victory in the 2022 World Cup. Di María described Scaloni as “one of the best” managers he has encountered in his career.

He also reflected fondly on Alejandro Sabella, another coach from his national team, who had a significant influence on his career. Speaking about Sabella, Di María noted his appreciation for the impact Sabella had on him.

Moreover, Di María holds a special place in his heart for the late Diego Maradona, who also served as a coach for the Argentine national team. He elaborated on Maradona’s role in his life, saying, “I won’t consider him as a manager to you because to me he was more of a close friend, someone who stopped by to chat.”

Di María described Maradona as more of a brother than a coach, stating, “A dad more than anything. He would put up with me when nobody else did, helped me to move forward. The more criticism I received, the more he supported me.”

Reflecting on Maradona’s legacy, Di María stated, “He was everything to me. Diego is the best that ever was. I’ve said it before, Leo Messi is the greatest of all time, but Diego is Diego. To me, to Argentina and to the world.”

Di María’s candid remarks about his experiences with various managers highlight the complexities of a footballer’s career and the important relationships formed over time, both on and off the pitch. His deep respect for people like Scaloni and Maradona stands in stark contrast to his feelings towards Van Gaal, showcasing the wide-ranging experiences Di María has had throughout his time in professional football.

As he continues to play for Benfica, Di María’s reflections resonate not just with fans but also with players who have navigated similar relationships in their careers. His current form and reputation as a player show that, despite past grievances, he continues to thrive in the sport he loves.

Source: ESPN Argentina