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‘LPBW’ Fans Concerned About Audrey Roloff’s Kids Wandering in Woods

Little People, Big World fans have recently voiced concerns over Audrey Roloff’s children potentially being in danger. The latest worry stems from Audrey sharing a photo of her older kids playing in the woods. Let’s explore if there’s any real cause for alarm this time around.

Audrey Roloff often finds herself at the center of criticism from TLC fans. They closely monitor her children—Ember, Bode, and Radley—especially when they perceive them to be in potentially hazardous situations, such as riding ATVs without helmets or getting too close to fires. While those living in rural areas might find some worries exaggerated, social media discussions frequently seem to lean towards criticism.

Audrey gets a lot of flak because she frequently posts pictures and videos of her children on social media. The more she shares, the more she exposes herself to critics. However, her status as a social media influencer is likely an important source of income for her.

Concerns escalated after Audrey posted a photo of her three older kids playing in the woods. In her caption, she wrote:

It’s truly amazing what some trees and a dried up creek will do for them though…So simple and yet it’s their favorite thing to do.

One concerned fan on Reddit pointed out certain plants in the picture, asking:

Poison Oak?
Is she letting the kids stomp around in Poison Oak? The leaves look too big to be a berry bush.

However, not all fans agreed with this concern. Some pointed out that the plants in question did not resemble poison oak, but that checking the kids for ticks might be a prudent move. Here are some of their comments:

  • Clearly not an Oregonian, that is not poison oak.
  • Oh, they should be worried about ticks. The Valley is full of them.
  • We live in a place that has ticks; seems to be on and off each year how bad. We still allow our kids to play in the woods. However, they are checked head to toe (even when not playing in the woods) when they come back inside at night.
  • Himalayan Blackberry, not native, but it’s all over the northwest.
  • Blackberries are crazy and take over everywhere in the Pacific Northwest. The wild varieties can get some pretty big leaves and are very thorny.

What do you think about the concerns raised by the fans regarding Audrey Roloff’s children possibly playing in poison oak? It appears that the plants in the area aren’t poison oak, but checking for ticks does seem like sound advice. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: TVShowsAce, Twitter