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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Luke Bryan’s Nashville Bar Claims Riley Strain Was “Verbally Aggressive”

An autopsy and toxicology report have been completed, yet new details continue to emerge about the night Riley Strain passed away. It has been three months since the body of the 22-year-old University of Missouri student was found in the Cumberland River, following a two-week search. Strain went missing on March 8th in downtown Nashville, during a fraternity formal.

Strain was last seen after being asked to leave Luke Bryan’s bar, Luke’s 32 Bridge, on lower Broadway. For reasons unknown, he walked in the opposite direction of his hotel. Authorities initially found no signs of foul play. Luke’s bar released a statement during the search, clarifying that Strain was served one alcoholic drink and two waters before being asked to leave. His death was ruled an accident, and Nashville Metro Police have closed their investigation. Yet, the family is still seeking answers, grappling with lingering questions about the circumstances surrounding his death.

The toxicology report from the Davidson County Medical Examiner revealed Strain had a blood alcohol content of .228 at the time of his death, nearly three times the legal driving limit of .08. Additionally, Delta-9 THC, a legal hemp-derived version of THC widely available in Tennessee, was found in his system. The report found no evidence of Rohypnol, a drug often associated with incapacitation, in his body.

While the toxicology report sheds some light, Strain’s family has ordered a second autopsy and toxicology report from a private examiner. They remain concerned about missing clothing and the fact that no water was found in his lungs, an anomaly for a drowning case. Determined to uncover the truth, they hired private investigator Steve Fischer to piece together Strain’s final hours. Fischer recently handed over a 281-page report, which includes a 49-minute video presentation featuring critical surveillance footage.

Footage from Luke Bryan’s bar shows Strain walking to the bar with a friend and ordering a water. A security guard approaches the duo, leading to a verbal confrontation, and Strain is subsequently escorted out. Bar security received a message with Strain’s photo, labeling him as “verbally aggressive with staff, no entry.” Astonishingly, he reentered the bar shortly after, only to be escorted out a second time with another message sent at 9:39 PM: “I just escorted him out a second time from upper. Please no entry.”

The last camera footage shows Strain walking away from the bar toward the river around 9:48 PM. He was last seen on camera near the bridge crossing the river at 9:55 PM, and the final ping from his phone was recorded at 10:15 PM near the river. Despite extensive searches and multiple perspectives, it remains unclear what led Strain to the river that night.

While these revelations offer some clarity regarding Strain’s evening, they still leave the family questioning the events that led to his untimely demise. The hope is that compiling these pieces of information will provide some comfort and closure to Strain’s loved ones.

Though it might be impossible to ascertain exactly what happened that fateful night, the persistent efforts to uncover the truth highlight the determination and love of Strain’s family, ensuring that Riley Strain’s story will not be forgotten.

Source: Particlenews