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Macklemore Cancels Dubai Show Over UAE’s Role in Sudan Crisis

Macklemore has canceled an upcoming concert in Dubai, citing the United Arab Emirates’ role in the ongoing genocide and humanitarian crisis in Sudan.

In a heartfelt post on social media, the Grammy-winning artist shared, “I don’t take this decision lightly and think it’s important to explain why.” He mentioned that his decision came after extensive thought, numerous conversations with trusted organizers and friends, and his own research.

“Over the last several months, I’ve had a number of people reach out to me, sharing resources and asking me to cancel the show in solidarity with the people of Sudan and to boycott doing business in UAE for the role they are playing in the ongoing genocide and humanitarian crisis in the region,” Macklemore wrote on Instagram.

He emphasized the importance of learning and truly understanding the situation, wanting to make a measured decision from the heart rather than one out of fear. The conflict in Sudan, which has been ongoing since April 2023, erupted into a full-blown civil war between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF). This violence began in the capital, Khartoum, and spread across the country, killing at least 15,000 people according to the International Rescue Committee, with some estimates suggesting even higher numbers.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports that over 10 million people have been displaced by the fighting, with more than 25 million facing acute hunger.

While the UAE denies involvement, the Sudanese government has accused them of fueling the conflict by arming the RSF and supporting its leader, Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo. UN experts claimed in January that they had “credible” evidence of the UAE sending weapons to the RSF from northern Chad.

Macklemore reflected in his post, “At the end of the day I have to ask myself what is my intention as an artist? The last 10 months I’ve been learning what factors/motivators feed genocide and global systemic oppression. I keep getting led back to self-interest over collective interest at the root. Capitalism is the glue that holds this ideology together.”

The artist questioned, “And if I take the money, while knowing it doesn’t sit right with my spirit, how am I any different than the politicians I’ve been actively protesting against? How can I be outraged by their lack of integrity while compromising my own? How am I different than the countries that put dollars and power over human life?”

Displaced Sudanese queue to receive food portions at a makeshift camp in Gedaref, as the United Nations states that over 10 m have been displaced by the fighting in Sudan (AFP via Getty Images)

Macklemore has previously shown his support for Palestinians, releasing his song “Hind’s Hall” in May. The song was inspired by worldwide student protests against Israel’s war on Gaza and pays tribute to Hind Rajab, a six-year-old girl killed by an Israeli strike while she was trapped in a car with her dead relatives.
Macklemore has been a supporter of Palestine, and released a song inspired by student protests against Israel’s war on Gaza and paying tribute to Hind Rajab, who was killed by an Israeli strike. (Getty Images)

“Although dismantling systemic oppression might not fully happen during my lifetime, our collective analysis is evolving. That is where it starts,” Macklemore stated in his post. “When we realize our individual liberation IS Palestinian liberation. Is Sudanese liberation. Is Congolese liberation. We are being called in this moment to advocate for the most marginalized around the world. To put our own luxury and abundance aside for the collective pursuit of freedom and safety for all. What are we willing to risk in order to uproot the systems that depend on genocide for monetary gain?”

He acknowledged that canceling his show would “probably jeopardise my future shows in the area, and I truly hate letting any of my fans down.” However, he firmly stated, “But until the UAE stops arming and funding the RSF I will not perform there.”

Macklemore stressed that he does not judge other artists choosing to perform in the UAE but posed a question to his peers scheduled to play in Dubai, “If we used our platforms to mobilize collective liberation, what could we accomplish?”

Source: Getty Images