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Mamie Laverock Grateful After Receiving $39K in Donations for Balcony Fall Recovery

The star of “When Calls the Heart,” Mamie Laverock, has voiced deep appreciation after receiving over $39,000 in donations during her recovery from a severe fall from a five-story balcony.

“Thank you so much. I don’t even know what to say. My heart is full,” wrote Laverock, 20, on her family’s GoFundMe page. “Thank you again. I have no words to describe my gratitude. Love you guys. Thank you. MAMIE.”

The fundraising effort, initiated by her mother Nicole Rockman and stepfather Rob Compton, concluded on July 18, after successfully exceeding its $30,000 goal. In their closing message, the family expressed heartfelt appreciation: “Please know how much you helped this family in our hardest circumstances. Thank you for caring.”

Laverock was hospitalized in May due to an unspecified “medical emergency” and later transferred to St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver, Canada. It was there that her body was “shattered” in the fall.

Following the accident, the Hallmark actress was placed on life support and underwent “multiple extensive surgeries.” Updates on her condition were regularly posted on the fundraiser page, informing supporters of her progress. Despite the severity of her injuries, Laverock began showing signs of improvement, although her mother acknowledged that the “road to recovery will be long.”

In a statement on her daughter’s Facebook page, Rockman announced plans to set up a mailbox for fans to send their cards and well wishes. The continuous stream of support played a significant role in Laverock’s journey.

Laverock is best known for her portrayal of Rosaleen Sullivan on “When Calls the Heart,” but she has also appeared in “The Killing Game” and “This Means War.”

In interviews, Rockman has indicated a potential lawsuit against St. Paul’s Hospital, stating, “We have a case.” She shared a photo of her daughter lying in a hospital bed, adding, “All we care about is that Mamie can make a recovery and that she’s alive and that she’s fighting and that she’s strong.”

The outpouring of donations and support underscores the significant impact Laverock has made on her fans and the broader community. It’s clear that the actress and her family have been deeply moved by the kindness and generosity shown during this challenging time.

Source: Page Six