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Man accused of attempting to kill Trump wrote book urging Iran to assassinate him

KAAAWA, Hawaii (AP) — Ryan Routh gained attention online as someone who claimed to be involved in various social causes, including building housing for the homeless in Hawaii, while also expressing a keen interest in global conflicts like the war in Ukraine. His online persona portrayed an individual with strong political opinions and a controversial relationship with former President Donald Trump, whom he both supported and criticized vehemently.

In a self-published book released in 2023, titled “Ukraine’s Unwinnable War,” Routh called for violent repercussions against Trump, even stating, “You are free to assassinate Trump,” labeling him a “fool” and “buffoon.” He reflected on his previous support for Trump with regret, describing the consequences of electing a “child” as president.

Routh, 58, was arrested on Sunday after allegedly stalking Trump during the latter’s golf outing in West Palm Beach, Florida. Armed with an AK-47-style rifle, Routh’s actions were intercepted by the Secret Service, preventing what appeared to be an assassination attempt.

Officials familiar with the situation have identified Routh but requested anonymity as the investigation is ongoing and the motive remains unclear.

An analysis of Routh’s extensive online activity, along with public records and interviews, paints a picture of a man with a tumultuous past, characterized by shifting political views and a history of criminal behavior. His social media posts, especially on X (formerly Twitter), reveal a spectrum of political engagement, having expressed support for figures ranging from Bernie Sanders to Trump.

Despite being unaffiliated in his voter registration since 2012 and participating in a Democratic primary election in March, Routh made small donations totaling $140 to a political action committee supporting Democrats over several years.

His perspectives shifted notably following the police killing of George Floyd in 2020. Routh suggested that Trump could secure reelection by addressing police misconduct through an executive order. However, his support for Trump diminished over time, and he later voiced backing for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, emphasizing the importance of democracy in his posts.

After an assassination attempt on Trump at a Pennsylvania rally, Routh called on Biden and Harris to show compassion for the victims and to attend the funeral of a deceased firefighter, arguing that Trump would not take such actions.

In his writings, which are available on platforms like Amazon, Routh expressed frustration at being categorized politically, insisting that genuine leadership should be in the hands of women due to the tendency of insecure men to exacerbate global issues.

Routh was particularly vocal about international affairs, frequently discussing the conflict in Ukraine. He created a website aimed at raising funds and recruiting volunteers for the Ukrainian cause. An image of him on his website features him enthusiastically showcasing U.S. symbols.

His ardent support for Ukraine was evident in multiple posts asserting the need for action against aggression, declaring “This is about good versus evil,” and even proclaiming he would fight for Ukraine. Video evidence captured him participating in a demonstration in Kyiv shortly after Russia’s invasion began in 2022.

Despite his vocal advocacy, officials from Ukraine’s Foreigners Coordination Department revealed that Routh never served in their military. His contacts with Ukrainian armed forces were described as bizarre and unrealistic, demonstrating a disconnect between his intentions and actions.

Routh’s prior attempts to contact celebrities and influential figures for various causes, including organizing a tribute song for Ukraine, showcased his erratic and at times delusional perspective on activism.

Born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina, Routh has faced legal troubles, including a felony conviction for possessing a weapon of mass destruction in 2002, stemming from a tense standoff with police. Other legal issues included felony possession of stolen goods and misdemeanors related to weapons and driving offenses, resulting mostly in probation or suspended sentences.

His ability to obtain firearms, despite his criminal history, raises questions, as many states prohibit felons from purchasing guns. Routh later relocated to Kaaawa, Hawaii, in 2018, where he engaged in business with his son to construct small wooden shelters aimed at addressing homelessness.

Neighbors described Routh as a generally modest and pleasant individual, shocked by his recent actions. “It’s surprising,” remarked neighbor Christopher Tam, reflecting the community’s disbelief regarding Routh’s alleged assassination attempt.

Source: Associated Press