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Maren Morris Defends “Insurrection Barbie” Tweet About Brittany Aldean

No regrets. The history between Maren Morris and Brittany Aldean, the wife of country singer Jason Aldean, has been well documented. It started when Brittany shared a video of herself applying makeup with the caption: “I’d really like to thank my parents for not changing my gender when I went through my tomboy phase. I love this girly life.”

Maren Morris responded to a post from fellow country singer Cassadee Pope by calling Brittany “Insurrection Barbie.” She added, “It’s so easy to, like, not be a scumbag human? Sell your clip-ons and zip it, insurrection Barbie.” Brittany then replied, calling her “Karen Morris” and launching a new clothing line. Tucker Carlson even got involved, and Maren trolled Tucker. It turned into a significant public feud. Clearly, they’re not big fans of each other.

Brittany recently discussed the feud publicly, calling Maren out for her hypocrisy in claiming to be “pro-woman” while attacking another woman’s business because of her political views. “She’s got a group of friends here in Nashville that they just, have it out for me for whatever reason. To be so pro-woman and all the bullshit – you’re not, because I’ve never said a word to you and you come for me why? Because I’m an easy target because I’m a wife, and I don’t have a stage as a platform, but I have social media? For some reason I offend them.”

But for her part, Maren says she has no regrets about the tweet. During an interview with Cosmopolitan for their “Cheap Shots” series, Maren was asked if she has any tweets that she regretted sending – and while she said she didn’t regret her tweet to Brittany Aldean (though she wouldn’t use her name…), she didn’t expect it to get the attention that it did. “I don’t really have any tweets that I’ve regretted. I will say that I didn’t think my ‘insurrection Barbie’ tweet to a certain someone would have picked up so much momentum. But I stand by it.”

Of course, it’s not surprising that she stands by it. She got a ton of attention from the tweet, so whatever gets her in the headlines.

Source: Cosmopolitan, Cassadee Pope