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Mariachi Trumpeter Scares Grizzly Bear from Lake Tahoe Campsite with Music

If you are going out into bear country, pack your bear spray—and bring a mariachi band if possible. This suggestion might sound outlandish, but a recent video shows how inexplicably effective mariachi music can be in scaring away bears.

Mateo Mavero Durán, a member of “The Outlaw Mariachi,” showcased his trumpeting skills to deter a grizzly bear that wandered too close to their campsite in the Lake Tahoe, California area. Faced with the encroaching bear, Durán decided to use the power of song to make the bear retreat.

Is it a good or bad thing that his music playing scared away an animal? While opinions may vary, it was likely a relief to those at the campsite. For the sake of getting the bear—albeit a small one—away, it was fortunate that the bear fled. But you can draw your own conclusions after watching the amusing clip:

Watch the clip

Durán’s trumpeting skills shone in the video, though I admit I have no personal experience with the trumpet. The video has gained significant traction online, leading to a flood of social media comments and jokes:

“Imagine being a bear hearing that for the first time. I absolutely do not blame him for dipping.”

“The mariachi music was unBEARable.”

“That’s such a weird power move.”

“Now that poor bear is gonna have that song stuck in his head and he doesn’t even know what the heck it is.”

“Wait! You mean all this time I never needed bells and bear spray on the trail, just a damn trumpet?”

All joking aside, it’s important not to substitute your bear spray for a trumpet. While this instance may seem like a quirky anomaly, established safety protocols should always be followed in bear country.

Source: Whiskey Riff, Instagram