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Marilyn Manson Accuses Evan Rachel Wood of Forging FBI Letter

Marilyn Manson is reportedly appealing the dismissal of his defamation suit against Evan Rachel Wood and Illma Gore. According to TMZ, in his new filing, Manson claims that the actress had forged a letter from a real FBI agent intended to harm his reputation.

Documents obtained by TMZ indicate that Manson believes he has proof of the alleged forgery. He claims this letter was part of a campaign designed to promote the narrative of sexual abuse allegations against him. The singer alleges that the letter falsely suggested he was under FBI investigation and that his so-called “victims” were in danger.

Manson also points out that Wood had filed a declaration stating she did not forge the letter, but didn’t deny that the letter itself could be a forgery.

In May 2023, a California judge dismissed a significant portion of Manson’s suit against Wood. Judge Teresa A. Beaudet’s order highlighted California’s anti-SLAPP statute and the protection of free speech. While Manson was allowed to continue pursuing some legal action, several major claims were dismissed. These included allegations that Wood had filed a fictitious FBI letter and created a checklist to help alleged victims make claims against Manson.

After the ruling, Manson’s lawyer, Howard King, expressed disappointment but noted it was not unexpected. King criticized the court for refusing to consider Ashley Smithline’s sworn declaration. Smithline, a former plaintiff, had detailed how Wood and Gore allegedly pressured women to make false claims about Manson.

King mentioned that the failure to admit this critical evidence, along with the court’s decision not to consider contents from Gore’s iPad showing how the FBI letter was allegedly forged, would be key points in their appeal to the California Court of Appeal.

Manson was later ordered to pay Wood’s legal fees in January 2024.

As part of the appeal, Manson is also challenging the court’s decision to ignore Smithline’s recantation of her accusations. Smithline revealed that she felt pressured by Wood to move forward with her allegations against the musician.

Aside from these legal battles, Manson has returned to his music career. He has been performing this summer, touring with Five Finger Death Punch and Slaughter to Prevail. Despite his legal challenges, Manson is second-billed on the tour and has scheduled a few headline dates as well. His tour is set to continue through September 19, with tickets available on his website.

Earlier this month, Manson released his first single in quite some time, titled “As Sick as the Secrets Within.” This was shortly followed by a second song called “Raise the Red Flag.”

Marilyn Manson has faced numerous abuse allegations since actress Evan Rachel Wood accused him in 2021. These allegations have led to a series of lawsuits against Manson, whose real name is Brian Warner. Manson has consistently denied all allegations. Following these events, he filed a defamation suit against Wood in 2022, which is currently under appeal.

The legal proceedings and public allegations have heavily influenced Manson’s career and public image, but he appears to be making efforts to return to his professional life while contesting the claims against him.

Source: Loudwire, TMZ