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Mark Cuban Comprehends Elon Musk’s Humor Despite Their Differences

Mark Cuban recently shared his thoughts on Elon Musk’s humor during an interview. The two billionaires have exchanged barbs on X, Musk’s social media platform, but Cuban claims he understands Musk’s comedic style.

Cuban was discussing Musk’s recent joke about Taylor Swift, who endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president. In response to the joke, Cuban remarked that it was “kind of insane,” yet he defended Musk, pointing out that such humor is typical of the Tesla and SpaceX CEO.

The conversation took place on a podcast hosted by Brian Tyler Cohen, where Cuban reflected on his interactions with Musk. Although he describes their relationship as not being friends, Cuban revealed that they have communicated a few times. He remembered sending Musk a congratulatory text when Musk welcomed a new child into his family, jokingly stating, “Congrats on your 90th child.” Musk’s reply, “Mars needs people,” exemplified his quirky sense of humor.

Cuban emphasized that he is willing to criticize Musk when warranted, but he believes in giving him the benefit of the doubt regarding his humor. “I have no problem throwing Elon under the bus, but I’ll save it for when it’s truly deserved,” he stated.

Musk himself takes pride in his reputation as a provocateur on social media. He has previously declared himself the “Chief Troll Officer,” embracing the notion of harmless trolling. However, his online behavior has drawn considerable scrutiny at times, leading to substantial consequences.

In 2018, Musk tweeted about potentially taking Tesla private at $420 per share, a number that playfully referenced the marijuana culture of April 20. This tweet triggered an investigation by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), resulting in a settlement that cost Musk and Tesla $40 million. While no wrongdoing was admitted, Musk agreed to step down as Tesla’s chairman as part of the agreement.

Recently, Musk became a point of controversy once again after an apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Following the incident, Musk posted a thought-provoking comment questioning why similar attempts hadn’t happened to Trump’s political opponents. This statement prompted a probe from the Secret Service, as reported by Bloomberg. The agency filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records pertaining to Musk’s comment.

The Secret Service stated that they could not share records due to ongoing enforcement proceedings. A spokesperson explained that the agency is aware of Musk’s social media remark and reaffirmed that it investigates all threats related to individuals under its protection.

In a familiar pattern, Musk deleted his controversial post on the same day it was made. He later claimed that the comment was meant as a joke. “One lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on X,” he noted.

Despite their differences in style, Cuban continues to engage with Musk and express a level of understanding toward his humor. Both men occupy significant spheres in business and innovation, yet their interactions reflect the complexities of public perception and personal communication in the social media age.

While Cuban praises Musk’s unique sense of humor, it remains evident that Musk’s provocative posts can lead to serious repercussions, drawing the attention of federal agencies and public scrutiny alike. The interplay between humor and responsibility continues to be a delicate balance for high-profile figures like Musk.

Source: Business Insider