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Matt Damon Advocates for Monument Honoring Robin Williams

Matt Damon has endorsed a proposal to install a statue of Robin Williams in Boston, Massachusetts. In a recent interview, Damon shared his enthusiasm for a bronze statue of Williams to be placed in the Boston Public Garden, precisely where they filmed the iconic park bench scene for Good Will Hunting. Damon believes it’s a fitting tribute to Williams’ legacy and would have a positive impact on the community.

“[An artist] proposed to us to do a bronze statue of Robin and permanently put it there,” Damon said in an interview for the Jake’s Takes YouTube channel. “The idea being that if you feel alone you can go sit next to him, which I think is the coolest idea. It would be the most beautiful installation and such a tribute to that guy, who I think would have loved that.”

Although Damon didn’t specify if the statue would resemble Williams’ character from Good Will Hunting, the location would be appropriate regardless. In the film, Williams portrays Sean Maguire, a psychologist helping Damon’s character, Will Hunting, break through his emotional barriers. Their scene at the Boston Public Garden is pivotal, as it marks a significant moment where Sean helps Will realize the gaps in his life experience and wisdom

For many fans, Good Will Hunting showcased a new side of Williams, highlighting his capability for dramatic roles. This portrayal resonated deeply, especially in light of Williams’ own struggles with mental health, which culminated in his death by suicide in August 2014.

According to, the bench featured in the movie became an impromptu memorial after Williams’ passing. Fans flocked to the site to pay their respects, leaving behind tokens in his honor. MIT administrator Garry McLinn even proposed a permanent memorial and garnered support through an online petition. However, he later revealed on Reddit that the city was not interested in the idea. Boston is known for being selective about public installations, especially in recent decades.

Despite past setbacks, Damon remains hopeful about the potential statue. “I hope it comes to pass. I hope they let this artist do it because it would be pretty cool,” he said.
