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Meek Mill Responds to Michael Rubin’s Apology for Black Culture Remarks

Meek Mill weighed in after Michael Rubin made some controversial comments as he defended the Philly native from Internet trolls.

On Thursday, August 15, Meek took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to share his thoughts about Rubin’s recent statements on Black culture. Rubin, in his appearance on The Breakfast Club earlier this week, dismissed rumors about Meek’s sexuality, questioned the motives of those trying to bring the rapper down, and expressed his disapproval of “Black on Black hate.” Rubin later apologized, admitting it wasn’t his place to speak on Black culture.

“I got a phone call from one of the people I have the most respect for in the world – they told me while they appreciate my intention, it’s not my place to speak on black culture,” Rubin wrote in a statement on X. “I get it and really appreciate the input! My intention was to say how important it is that we need to uplift each other, stop hate on each other, and push each other to win, and always root for each other’s success! My bad, Much love and appreciate the feedback❤️❤️”

A few hours later, Meek shared his thoughts on the situation. He agreed that Rubin probably shouldn’t have made those comments publicly. He also mentioned that he had previously discussed issues within the Black community with Rubin, but found it difficult to explain them in a way that made sense.

“Rubin shouldn’t be saying that type stuff out loud… a black man suppose to but nobody saying it… Its like we only collab on songs women and parties… he be hearing my friends getting murdered like why meek, I can’t explain it to him in a sensible way!”

Source: Particlenews, Getty Images