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Meet Leah Delaney: Who Is Rob Delaney’s Wife?

Rob Delaney and his wife, Leah Delaney, unexpectedly found love while volunteering.

Since then, the Deadpool & Wolverine actor and Leah have gotten married and welcomed four sons together, including Henry, who tragically passed away at age 2½ from cancer in 2018. Despite being private about their marriage, Rob’s family and relationship with Leah have been central throughout his life.

“My wife and I have been together for 17 years,” Rob told The Guardian in August 2023. “We have learned and we continue to learn about the work that a relationship requires and the humility required to nurture love and a close relationship.”

Leah is from North Carolina, while Rob hails from a small town outside Boston. After shooting four seasons of Catastrophe, the couple decided to move to England full-time with their children.

“It’s weird because people ask, ‘Oh, you moved to the UK and fell in love with it?’ We were there, and it was absolutely fine, and there were many things we adored about it. We were gonna move back, but then Henry got sick, so we couldn’t,” he told Vanity Fair in December 2022.

“And for my older kids, this is home. So now it’s been eight years, and now my oldest just transitioned into secondary school.”

An unexpected start to their relationship, the couple met while volunteering. Ever since, they’ve bonded through their love of family. “We met volunteering with disabled people in Massachusetts,” Rob told The Guardian in 2015. “Even though there is drudgery and pain and horror in our marriage – we’ve been together for 11 years – no one else before or since ever violently kidnapped my heart, put it in a dirty bag and brought it to their lair to own forever.”

In February 2022, Rob opened up about how his sobriety journey led him to meet his wife. “I started doing volunteer work after I’d been sober for a while, and through that I met my wife 18 years ago, and we’ve had so many children together,” Rob shared in an Instagram video celebrating 20 years of sobriety.

Rob and Leah welcomed two sons together before giving birth to Henry in 2015. Shortly after his first birthday, Henry was diagnosed with a brain tumor and underwent a series of treatments and surgeries to remove it. However, in 2018, he passed away at 2½ years old. “I have very sad news. My 2½-year-old son Henry has passed away,” Delaney wrote in a since-deleted statement on Facebook.

He continued, “Henry had been diagnosed with a brain tumor in 2016, shortly after his first birthday, following persistent vomiting and weight loss. He had surgery to remove the tumor and further treatment through the early part of 2017. Then the cancer returned last autumn and he died in January.”

Rob added that he was “astonished by the love-in-action displayed by Henry’s mom and his brothers.” He explained, “They are why I will endeavor to not go mad with grief. I don’t want to miss out on their beautiful lives. I’m greedy for more experiences with them.”

Leah found out that she was pregnant shortly before Henry died, making the loss even harder, Rob said in an interview with Vulture in March 2019. “How do you go to your own child’s funeral when you’re pregnant?” he said. “I would like to carve a large bronze monument in the center of town for her not going on a killing spree or picking up police cars and throwing them through windows.”

The couple welcomed their baby boy in August 2018, with Rob explaining that the birth of their fourth son was not meant to replace Henry. “Having another child in no way, shape, or form eases the grief of Henry dying. But also having Henry dying doesn’t make our new son any less magical,” he told The Sunday Times Magazine in December 2018. “I want to gobble him up and he deserves our full attention and love, and he grew in the same womb as Henry.”

After being together for over 15 years, Rob told The Guardian in 2023 that his tip was to keep learning new things about your partner — and to keep working at the marriage. “They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks – do learn new tricks,” he said. “It took me years to learn that when women say something, they actually mean it. So that’s me, an old dog going in a new direction.”

The comedian has consistently made jokes about his wife having an affair with her hypothetical karate instructor, writing on X, formerly Twitter, in October 2021 that he saw his wife board a plane with just her and the “sensei.” “Just watched my wife board that plane! She’s the *ONLY* student in her class that her sensei deemed qualified to go to a big tournament with him,” Rob jokingly wrote. “Apparently it’s secret so there’s no info about it online which is apparently how martial arts operates. Anyway good luck guys!”

A month later, in a Q&A with The Guardian, Rob answered one concerned fan’s question about whether his wife is really cheating on him by sharing that Leah does not even take karate classes. “Sometimes on Twitter I pretend my wife is clearly having an affair with her karate teacher and I am oblivious,” he said. “It’s a long-running gag that I don’t know if anyone else enjoys, but for some reason it makes me laugh.”

He continued, “In real life, my wife doesn’t take karate — and if she is having an affair with any kind of trainer or person more athletic than myself, she’s doing a good job hiding it.”

Source: The Guardian, Vanity Fair, Vulture, The Sunday Times Magazine, X