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Mentions of Dallas, Texas on ‘The Simpsons’

Springfield is the fictional hometown of the beloved animated family, The Simpsons, but it’s interesting to note that the city of Dallas has made several appearances in the show’s long history.

In Season 8, Episode 2, Homer Simpson reveals his dream of owning the Dallas Cowboys. His incredibly wealthy boss, Hank Scorpio, attempts to fulfill this dream by gifting Homer the Denver Broncos instead. Unfortunately, Homer isn’t too thrilled with this substitute.

Though Homer aspires to own the Dallas Cowboys, it doesn’t prevent him from betting against them. In a Thanksgiving-themed episode from Season 2, Episode 7, the Dallas Cowboys earn a casual mention, adding a little holiday spirit to the storyline.

One notable episode that stands out for many fans is Season 12, Episode 15. In this episode, Homer discovers that the local baseball team plans to move to Albuquerque. In protest, Homer goes on a hunger strike, compelling the team to remain in Springfield. At the conclusion of the episode, the mayor of Albuquerque cheekily tries to buy the Dallas Cowboys.

Many people who aren’t from Texas often confuse Dallas with Fort Worth, thinking the two cities are just one large metroplex. This common misconception gets a humorous nod in Season 16, Episode 4. In the episode, a character downplays his job by saying he works in Fort Worth instead of Dallas, which supposedly makes it sound less impressive.

In Season 17, Episode 17, the storyline takes Homer to India when his job at the nuclear power plant is outsourced. During his visit, he notices several American companies have also outsourced their operations, including the Dallas/Fort Worth Marriott.

Another reference occurs in Season 14, Episode 14, when The Simpsons’ home is disrupted by the noise of aircraft from a nearby airport. The constant flyovers drive the family to the brink of insanity, and Lisa remarks about one particularly loud plane being a Dallas flight.

These glimpses into Dallas from various episodes underscore the city’s occasional role in The Simpsons’ universe. If you happen to find any more Dallas references in The Simpsons, feel free to share them.

Source: Frinkiac