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Michelle Obama Praises Gus Walz’s Response to Criticism After Coulter’s Mockery

Michelle Obama has praised Gus Walz, the teenage son of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, for his emotional display during his father’s acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. Gus was visibly moved, shedding tears and exclaiming, “That’s my Dad!” as his father spoke about his vice presidential nomination.

While many viewers found Gus’s reaction heartwarming, conservative commentator Ann Coulter took a different stance. She shared a news article highlighting the moment on social media, captioning it, “Talk about weird…” This comment drew significant backlash online, leading Coulter to remove her post. In response, she stated, “I took it down as soon as someone told me he’s autistic, but it’s Democrats who go around calling everyone weird thinking it’s hilariously funny.”

Michelle Obama, who delivered a powerful speech at the DNC earlier in the week, took to social media to defend Gus. She expressed her admiration for his joyous reaction and emphasized the importance of love and vulnerability. “I was touched to see Gus Walz’s joy when his dad @Tim_Walz took the stage last night. Thankful for you showing us all what real love looks like, Gus,” she wrote. Obama urged the public to embrace such heartfelt moments and criticized anyone making fun of the teenager.

“Let’s be a nation that embraces this kind of warmth and vulnerability, instead of making fun or mocking it. We could all use some of Gus’s example in our own lives,” she added.

Others also echoed their support for Gus and condemned Coulter’s remarks. Actor Billy Baldwin reiterated his disdain for her comment, while former Obama staffer Tommy Vietor remarked on Coulter’s apparent lack of understanding regarding familial love. “I can see why a child loving their parents would feel foreign to you,” he commented.

Former Republican strategist Rick Wilson chimed in with a scathing critique of Coulter, remarking that she would end up alone. He suggested that her demise would reveal nothing but “Marlboro reds and box wine” around her. This highlights how Coulter’s remarks on Gus Walz have ignited strong reactions and criticism from various public figures.

Gus, along with his mother, Gwen Walz, and his older sister, Hope, attended the DNC where Tim Walz delivered a moving speech that touched on the various struggles they faced as a family, particularly regarding fertility issues. He expressed his love for his children and wife, stating, “Hope, Gus and Gwen, you are my entire world. And I love you.” This poignant moment only intensified the emotional display from Gus.

The Walz family has previously opened up about Gus’s unique challenges. In a recent interview, they explained that Gus has a non-verbal learning disorder, ADHD, and anxiety disorder. They described how these conditions shaped his interactions with the world, noting that he preferred solitary play with video games over socializing with classmates. Rather than viewing these challenges as setbacks, they consider them as defining traits that contribute to Gus’s brilliance and awareness.

Tim and Gwen Walz shared that their experiences with Gus have made them appreciate his qualities even more. They described him as an “excellent son and brother,” highlighting the positives that come with his conditions.

The stirring response from Gus was captured on camera, becoming a moment that resonated with many viewers during the convention. The focus on familial love and support contrasts sharply with Coulter’s derisive comment, reinforcing the notion that love and expression should be celebrated rather than scorned.

Michelle Obama’s words and the reactions from public figures serve as a reminder of the importance of compassion and acceptance in society. As this incident continues to stir discussions, it reaffirms that moments of vulnerability and love can inspire others to embrace kindness in their interactions.

Source: The Independent