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Miraculous Recovery: Ricky Pearsall Not Seriously Injured

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — A dramatic incident unfolded when Ricky Pearsall, a rookie receiver for the 49ers, was shot in the chest during an armed robbery attempt in downtown San Francisco’s Union Square area.

General manager John Lynch visited Pearsall at San Francisco General Hospital shortly after the event. Upon entering the room, he was met with a flurry of questions as Pearsall expressed his eagerness to return to the field.

“I think one of his first concerns was when he could play again,” said Lynch. “He was asking me about it. I didn’t have the answers, but the surgeon was there to help guide him through those thoughts.”

Fortunately, Pearsall was released from the hospital in less than 24 hours. Upon his return to the 49ers’ training facility, he was placed on the reserve/non-football injury list, which requires him to miss a minimum of four games. Despite this setback, Lynch remains optimistic about Pearsall’s prospects of returning to play this season.

“He’s doing remarkably well,” Lynch shared. “This is uncharted territory, and it’s not every day that you deal with something like this. It’s a lot for anyone to work through. Our medical team felt it was too much to ask him to come back in the next four weeks, so we decided to give him that time. It’s really miraculous.”

After the shooting, Pearsall’s mother, Erin, took to social media to share her son’s condition, revealing that the bullet exited out his back and did not hit any vital organs. Further evaluations showed no significant nerve damage, which is why he did not require surgery.

Lynch emphasized that the focus now is not only on Pearsall’s physical healing but also on addressing his mental and emotional wellbeing. “Ultimately, we felt the number one thing to prioritize was Ricky’s overall wellbeing,” Lynch noted. “He’s going to need time to heal physically, but he will need support emotionally and mentally as well. When we drafted him, we looked to the long term, and we believe he will be a fantastic player.”

During a media briefing, Lynch thanked the various medical personnel, law enforcement, and Niners staff who helped Pearsall. He also confirmed that Pearsall returned to the team’s facilities soon after the incident.

On the day of the shooting, Pearsall had just finished signing autographs at a local card show and was shopping for luggage. The suspect, a 17-year-old male from Tracy, California, was also involved in a scuffle with Pearsall and was subsequently apprehended.

News of the incident rippled through the 49ers organization, leaving some players in disbelief. Jacob Cowing, another rookie wide receiver, expressed his initial skepticism, saying, “I thought it was all false. I tried to reach out to him to confirm if he was okay, and when I didn’t hear back, I became anxious and started praying for his safety.”

As the team was set to hold its annual pre-season party, concerns about attending lingered, but Pearsall quickly alleviated those worries. Lynch mentioned that Pearsall made it clear that he wanted the party to go on as planned. He even joined the event via FaceTime, a gesture that left a lasting impression on teammates.

“I was genuinely concerned for his life,” said guard Aaron Banks. “It was a big relief to know he was okay and healthy.”

For the next month, Pearsall will continue to recover from the shooting while also nursing a shoulder injury from preseason, giving him additional time to heal.

Despite being sidelined, Pearsall will remain actively involved with the team, attending meetings, and working his way back into the mix when the time is appropriate. His presence within the facility has already proven uplifting for teammates, many of whom are in awe of his quick return after such a harrowing event.

“Multiple people have said this is about as good as an outcome as you could hope for in a situation like this,” Lynch stated. “Ricky takes a lot of pride in being available. He’s determined to prove he’s not injury-prone. This event is not a reflection of that. We’ve seen his potential, and we can’t wait to see him on the field when he is ready. But first and foremost, we want to ensure he is completely well.”

Source: source names