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Missy Hyatt Retracts Heartless Comment on Kevin Sullivan After His Death

Missy Hyatt has never shied away from publicly criticizing those she feels have wronged her over the years. While many might have deserved her harsh words, fans were taken aback when, during an interview, she declared that she would dance on Kevin Sullivan’s grave once he passed away.

However, the former WCW wrestler and booker passed away earlier this week. Hyatt has since retracted her earlier statement on social media, acknowledging that she was “stupid to harbor hatred towards him” and admitting that “he was always professional to me.”

“Many years ago, I said mean & false statements about Kevin Sullivan. I was stupid to harbor hatred towards him over Eddie Gilbert’s heat with him from the 1989 WCW booking committee. Over the years, he was always professional to me.”

For those who are not aware, Hyatt was married to Eddie Gilbert between 1987 and 1989. At that time, Gilbert worked for Jim Crockett Promotions, which had just acquired UWF where he previously performed. During this period, both Gilbert and Sullivan were part of the booking committee. It is claimed that Sullivan went out of his way to undermine Gilbert, ensuring his ideas were rejected.

Despite the claims against Sullivan, it is also important to note that Gilbert had a reputation for being difficult to work with and burned many bridges throughout his career.

Source: Wrestling Perspective