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Mom Shares Sweet Note from Twin Daughters’ Kindergarten Teacher

Mom shares sweet note she got from her daughter’s kindergarten teacher TikTok/@taviawade

It’s back-to-school season and for some parents, like TikTok mom Tavia Wade, it marks a significant milestone—the first time they send their little ones off to school for a full day.

Wade, a lifestyle influencer with twin daughters, felt a wave of anxiety as she dropped her two kids off at their kindergarten classroom in August.

But her worries were soon comforted by an unexpected, kind message from their new teacher.

On August 15, Wade shared a touching note given to her by the kindergarten instructor on social media.

“My daughter’s kindergarten teacher made me cry today,” she shared, explaining that it was the first time her twins would be attending all-day kindergarten, making it an emotional moment for her.

“She hands me this,” Wade continued, displaying a pink piece of paper taped to a pack of tissues. “I dare you not to cry when I read this.”

Wade then read the heartfelt letter aloud:

“I give you a little wink and smile as you entered my room today, for I know how hard it is to leave and know your child must stay. You’ve been with them for many years now and have been a loving guide. But now, alas, the time has come to leave them at my side.”

“Just know that as you drive away and the tears down your cheeks may flow, I’ll love them as I would my own and help them learn and grow.”

“So please, put your mind at ease and cry those tears no more. For I will love them and take them in when you leave them at my door.”

While Wade managed to hold back tears as she read it, she admitted that she “ugly cried” the first time she read the poem.
The emotional mom reveals the sweet note her daughters’ kindergarten teacher wrote for her (TikTok/@taviawade)

“I was immediately ugly crying. My husband and I couldn’t even lift our heads until we were halfway home,” Wade confessed. “We were both uncontrollably crying.”

For Wade and her husband, the poem provided much-needed reassurance as they left their daughters at school. They still have a 17-month-old daughter at home, so they aren’t completely empty nesters yet.

Speaking to Today, Wade explained that her twin daughters had previously attended preschool three days a week for only two hours. Though they were in the same group then, they were unfortunately placed in different kindergarten classrooms, making the transition even more challenging.

Online, viewers were deeply moved, filling Wade’s comment section with praise for the kindergarten teacher and sharing their own experiences with the first-time kindergarten drop-off. Some teachers joined the conversation, acknowledging the rarity of such a special gesture.

“Teacher here. She’s a good one. Not many do that. She will make your twins love school,” one woman wrote. Another mom said, “I cried at the first sentence. My baby started kindergarten this week too. This was so sweet of the teacher!”

A third commenter, a first-year pre-K teacher at an elementary school, remarked, “I’ll be doing this next year!!!! I came in on their second week so didn’t see all the sad first days.”

Source: Today