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Must-Watch Films for Celebrating Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!

Fireworks Light Up Skies Over NYC On Fourth Of July

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The Fourth of July landing in the middle of the week can be a bit tricky, especially when you have work obligations. As many of us continue working through the week, it’s tempting to just go through the motions. Admit it, you probably are!

A new survey reveals that 45% of American workers don’t expect to accomplish much between now and the Fourth of July weekend. So much so, that many people believe we should have the entire week off. Nearly half (49%) think companies should close for the whole first week of July. Interestingly, this sentiment is stronger among younger generations: 61% of Millennials and Gen Z’ers agree, compared to just 32% of older individuals.

If work is getting in the way of your plans, perhaps a day of movie-watching could be the solution. While many people celebrate with barbecues and sunshine, I prefer staying in the cool air conditioning and watching movies. Of course, not just any movies—patriotic ones! My top pick? “Independence Day,” without a doubt. That movie should be mandatory viewing on the Fourth of July, just for that iconic speech alone!

A quick Google search will yield countless recommendations for what to watch over the holiday weekend. And while we can’t host large gatherings, a cozy Fourth of July with family can still be wonderful. Fire up the grill, deck out your space in red, white, and blue, and enjoy some great family-friendly films.

6 Movies You Should Watch on Independence Day

Stars, stripes, and cinema! Six movies you should watch on Independence day!

El Paso Businesses That Are Patriotic All Year, Not Just July 4th

Local businesses that display the American flag all year, not just on July 4th.

Gallery Credit: Dubba G

Source: Getty Images, Dubba G