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Must-Watch Films to Celebrate Independence Day

Happy Independence Day!

Fireworks Light Up Skies Over NYC On Fourth Of July

Getty Images

Having the Fourth of July fall in the middle of the week can be a bit awkward, especially if you still have to work. Many of us in this situation are essentially phoning it in—don’t deny it, you know it’s true!

A recent survey found that 45% of American workers don’t expect to accomplish much between now and the Fourth of July weekend. So much so that there’s a growing belief that we should just get the whole week off. According to the survey, 49% think companies should shut down for the entire week of July 4th, with younger people showing more support for this idea—61% of Millennials and Gen Z’ers compared to 32% of older individuals.

If your work schedule is messing with your holiday plans, maybe a day of watching movies is the way to go. While many enjoy celebrating with barbecues and soaking in the sun, my favorite activity is staying inside, enjoying the air conditioning, and watching movies. But not just any movies—patriotic ones! My top pick? Independence Day, of course. That movie should be required viewing on the Fourth of July, if only for that epic speech!

A quick Google search will provide tons of recommendations for what to watch over the holiday weekend. Even with limitations on gatherings, you can still have a great Fourth of July with your family. Fire up the grill, bring out the decorations, don your red, white, and blue, and enjoy some family-friendly movies. Here are my recommendations for great movies to watch on Independence Day:

Stars, stripes, and cinema! Six movies you should watch on Independence Day!

1. Independence Day

2. National Treasure

3. Forrest Gump

4. The Patriot

5. Top Gun

6. Captain America: The First Avenger

And let’s not forget about our local businesses that radiate patriotism all year round, not just on July 4th. There are many businesses in El Paso that proudly display the American flag throughout the year.

Local businesses that keep the spirit of Independence Day alive year-round.

Gallery Credit: Dubba G

As we celebrate this Fourth of July, whether we’re working, watching movies, or just spending time with family, let’s remember the spirit of the holiday and appreciate the freedoms we enjoy.

Source: Townsquare