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My Date with the World’s Most Eligible Bachelor: Here’s What Happened

He might be the world’s most eligible bachelor, and I went on a date with him.

Artist Marcin Glod has been posting fliers around the Big Apple—and cities like Ibiza, Zurich, and Vienna—seeking “the perfect woman.” The poster features a black-and-white image of the 30-year-old painter and has generated a mind-bending 5,000 responses from women globally, including 400 in NYC alone.

“I’m genuinely seeking a girlfriend – this is no joke. I am tired of the single scene and eager to find the right partner,” the flier declares.

Glod confessed over an orange, non-alcoholic cocktail at a tapas bar on the Lower East Side that his work and frequent travel make dating challenging. Despite his thousands of admirers, the Poland-born, Austria-based 6-foot-1 artist has only been on three dates in nearly three months since his campaign began.

All the dates were very interesting and relaxed. I asked the girls to show me nice places in their cities, and it was like a private tour. They were all very fun and cool,” Glod recalled in a thick German accent.

A dinner date in Berlin seemed to stand out for Glod. “I found her energy and vibe quite interesting and exciting—especially because we both work in the creative industry and are both self-employed,” he said. However, sparks didn’t fly between them, and they have no plans to see each other again.

The fliers feature a QR code that, when scanned, takes admirers to a webpage prompting them to “apply for a date.” The application asks for their name, city, age, profession, and ideal first date.

Clad in neutral slacks, a casual floral button-down, green heart-shaped sunglasses, and a baseball hat with “money, ego, fame” crossed out and “human” intact, Glod was nothing short of a perfect gentleman.

He arrived six minutes early for our 7 p.m. reservation. During our one-hour date, Glod sweetly inquired about my appetite, opened every door, and insisted on grabbing the check. He kept a respectful distance, mindful that I have a boyfriend.

Glod explained he’s been solo for a year since breaking off a two-year relationship with a green-eyed, brunette Austrian girl. “We started living together and then we bought a dog, and it was like a family – and it was just too much family things, like having to stay home and be with the dog every day,” he explained.

But now he’s ready to settle down. “I thought the fliers would be a fun and funny way [to look for a girlfriend]. And this can also lead to friendships and new contacts from different cities,” he said.

Glod is looking forward to going on a date with a woman who responded to the fliers in Vienna as soon as this weekend. His ideal woman doesn’t have to look a certain way or be from any particular country, although he finds the cowgirl look in the USA very appealing.

“All in all, his perfect woman should be smart, ambitious, and funny,” Glod said. “Hopefully, I will meet the perfect lady that’s so cool and we vibe, and then maybe in one year or something we will get married and have two children.”

I wish Glod all the best on his search, but I’ll stick with my boyfriend.

Source: New York Post, Particle News