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‘My Journey from Estate Agent to Full-Time Traveler’

A female solo traveler who left her job at an estate agency to explore the world full time and now gets paid to travel has shared that she refuses to let fear stop her adventures.

Grace Kelly, 33, began her journey into adventuring after experiencing a sense of accomplishment when she summited Mount Snowdon in 2018. She took up hiking to cope with loneliness, as all her friends had settled down and none were interested in joining her treks.

“All my friends had settled down and none of my friends were wanting to get into hiking or anything,” she shared, adding that in one year, four of her closest friends became pregnant. This marked the start of a life-changing adventure for Grace.

By 2020, she had tackled 23 mountains and soon expanded her adventures abroad, visiting destinations like Canada, Iceland, Austria, and Costa Rica. Her adventures attracted a social media following, with more than 113,000 followers on Instagram @graces__adventures and over 36,000 followers on TikTok under the same name.

Initially, she traveled around her work schedule as an online estate agent. However, her growing popularity allowed her to transform her passion into a full-time gig. She gained brand partnerships and began hosting trips, turning her travels into a profitable venture.

Based in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, Grace has hosted four trips so far, with three more in the pipeline. Charging between £1,600 and £1,900 per trip, these packages typically include accommodation, food, transport, and more.

Her first hosted trip was an exciting road trip in Scotland on a converted yellow American school bus that functioned as a hostel on wheels. “I hosted two back-to-back road trips in Scotland on this big yellow American school bus, which is so cool and that went really well,” she said.

Grace decided early on to allow both men and women on her trips, explaining that many guys also want to meet new people and step out of their comfort zones. “We’ve had some great laughs, great experiences, and bonding moments, and I just feel like it adds to the experience, having it open to everybody,” she noted.

Safety is a primary concern for many female solo travelers, and Grace admits that while she remains wary, she doesn’t let fear dictate her actions. Over the years, she has developed several strategies to stay safe.

“If I’m in a camper van, I’ll always make sure that I’ve got the keys with me when I’m sleeping and I know where my way out is and I’ll reverse into a spot instead of driving forward,” she explained.

She also ensures her passenger seat remains empty to avoid signaling that she’s alone and times her movements in the wild to avoid drawing attention. “Whenever I’m on solo trips, if I’m having conversations with people, I won’t mention specifically that I’m on my own,” she added.

Grace recalled an uncomfortable experience at a hostel where a receptionist loudly announced her room number and that she was alone. This prompted her to request a different room for safety.

Despite the potential dangers, Grace refuses to let fear stop her. “One of the most common responses I get is ‘Aren’t you scared?’ And sometimes I am scared. But I’ll think, what’s the likelihood that someone with ill intention is going to be on this part of this mountain in the middle of the night?” she said.

In the future, Grace plans to write a book for those interested in solo travel, filled with advice and personal anecdotes. With her passion for traveling, she spends only about one week each month at home.

Grace’s enthusiasm for sharing her travels on social media has turned her hobby into a profitable business. “I’ve always been an over-sharer, and I’ve always loved social media, taking pictures, and documenting things,” she said.

Over time, as she began receiving small offers from brands, she realized the potential of her new hobby. Now, brands often cover her travel expenses, and sometimes, she earns up to £4,000 for a trip, on top of expenses.

“It feels incredible to have my passion become my full-time job. I’m always conscious to remember that this is such an incredible thing to be experiencing and to do what I love,” she said.

Source: PA Real Life