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My Life Has Been Fantastic

Saturday Night Live alum Victoria Jackson, first diagnosed with cancer in 2016, shared on Thursday that she now has an inoperable growth in one of her lungs. This announcement came after a recent CT scan.

Jackson detailed her journey in what she called Episode 11 of her “Is the cancer back?” Instagram video series. “They cannot operate and cut out the marble in my chest that is laying on my windpipe, and eventually would suffocate me to death,” she explained. Instead, Jackson will be taking a “magic pill” based on Ribociclib, a cancer growth inhibitor, with the hope that it will shrink the growth.

The former comedian looked up the medication on Google and discovered that the average life expectancy for patients taking the drug is about 32.6 months, although she mentioned 34.8 months in the video caption.

At 65 years old, Jackson, who is religious, referred to Psalm 90, which states we should live “threescore years and 10.” She took her prognosis in stride, expressing gratitude for the life she’s lived. “I’ve had a fantastic life,” she said.

Looking forward, Jackson shared some personal hopes: “I’d like to see my grandson born — his name is Jimmy — in October, and get to know him a little. And I would like to see my daughter Aubrey have a baby.”

Watch Jackson’s full update below.

Source: TVLine News