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‘Naked Attraction’ Contestant Removed from Set for Getting ‘Too Excited’

A contestant on the dating show Naked Attraction had to be escorted off set so that he could calm down, host Anna Richardson has revealed.

The controversial Channel 4 show, which has been airing since 2016, has featured 10 seasons to date. Richardson, who has hosted the show since its inception, shared some behind-the-scenes secrets on the Andy Jay Podcast in 2021. According to her, the show isn’t for the prudish.

One secret Richardson disclosed is the way the studio temperature is controlled for the nude contestants. She explained, “The boys always want the studio to be warm, and they’re all doing that crafty tug behind the pods because they want their manhood to look their very best.”

“They’re always fiddling and touching… whereas the girls want the studio to be freezing because they want their boobs to look their very best,” she added.

Despite these adjustments, contestants must exercise their own self-restraint to avoid embarrassing situations. Richardson recalled an incident a few years prior where a young man had to be temporarily removed from the set.

“We did have a couple of seasons ago, there was a young man who I think might have been in the pink pod and he was getting a little bit excited about what was about to happen,” she said.

“So our lovely floor manager, Dave the floor manager, had to go ‘come on’ and just had to escort him off the floor for a little while, just to calm down. And then he was brought back onto set,” she continued.

Richardson commented on the situation, saying, “It all happens. Boys being boys – you can’t control your anatomy, can you? So, there’s been a little bit of excitement.”

Such moments are not the only notable incidents on the show. In one episode, viewers were stunned by what was described as the ‘biggest penis ever,’ and in another awkward moment, two contestants recognized each other after the nudity reveal.

Despite these episodes, Naked Attraction continues to captivate audiences with its unique and bold approach to dating.

Source: Andy Jay Podcast, Channel 4