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Natasha Archer’s Close Bond with Kate Middleton, Explained

Natasha Archer’s promotion to Kate Middleton’s stylist in 2014 marked a significant turning point in the Princess of Wales’ fashion journey. That same year, Archer played a pivotal role in curating Kate’s much-admired wardrobe for the royal visit to Australia. “She has always supported and advised Kate — and the duchess loves Natasha’s style, so it seemed like an obvious appointment,” an insider revealed to Grazia. Archer is credited with encouraging Kate to explore styles beyond her usual preferences. Vanity Fair’s Royals Watch even described Archer as Kate’s “secret weapon” in October 2014, noting, “Initially Kate was a reluctant fashion icon, but now she enjoys it. She has persuaded Kate to take some more risks. The hemlines are shorter and Kate’s really pushing the boat out in the fashion stakes.”

In October 2016, after successfully managing the pressure of styling Kate’s wardrobe, Archer extended her expertise to Prince William’s attire. While it wasn’t a complete fashion overhaul, the Daily Mail reported that Archer helped “freshen” the Prince’s wardrobe, making subtle but noticeable updates.

Archer’s influence on the royal family began even before her official promotion as stylist. In 2013, she was entrusted with selecting the dress Kate wore when leaving the hospital after the birth of Prince George. This early responsibility was a testament to her keen fashion sense and the trust the royals placed in her judgment.

Over the years, Archer’s efforts in styling the royals have not gone unnoticed. Her dedication and eye for style have earned her prestigious recognition, solidifying her role as a key figure in shaping the modern royal aesthetic.

Source: Grazia, Vanity Fair, Daily Mail