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Navy Reports Attack on 2 U.S. Marines in Turkey

In a troubling incident, two U.S. Marines from the USS Wasp were assaulted on a port visit to Izmir, Turkey. This was reported by a spokesperson from the Navy. Footage from the scene captures a group of men restraining one Marine by forcing a bag over his head. Amidst the turmoil, the assailants vocally expressed their opposition, chanting “Yankee go home.”

According to CBS News’ senior foreign correspondent Holly Williams, the attackers were seemingly affiliated with a small, nationalist group known as the Turkish Youth Union, which has a reputation for its anti-American sentiments. The organization shared the video online alongside a statement condemning the Marines, claiming, “U.S. soldiers who have the blood of thousands of Palestinians on their hands cannot defile our country.”

Williams, who has extensive experience in Turkey, noted that Americans typically enjoy a warm reception in the country. Despite this incident, Turkish authorities have indicated that they have detained 15 individuals in connection to the assault. Turkey plays a vital role as a key ally of the United States in the Middle East and is a part of the NATO alliance.

The Marines involved were on liberty during the incident and were subsequently taken to a local hospital for precautionary evaluations. U.S. Navy Cmdr. Timothy Gorman, spokesperson for the U.S. Sixth Fleet, confirmed that the Marines later returned to the USS Wasp without further complications.

Gorman also mentioned that local police in Izmir, along with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, are jointly investigating the situation. He reassured that none of the Marines have been detained by authorities, and those responsible for the attack are cooperating in the ongoing inquiry.

The USS Wasp is currently engaged in a marine expeditionary unit’s routine deployment in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Just prior to this incident, the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit had successfully concluded a bilateral training exercise with Turkish forces in the region.

This incident highlights complex relations between the U.S. and Turkey, particularly regarding perceptions fueled by geopolitical tensions. As investigations continue, both the U.S. military and local Turkish authorities seem committed to addressing the matter with diligence.

Source: CBS News