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Ncuti Gatwa’s Future: Show Episode Insight

Photo: BBC One

What a crazy time we’re in regarding Doctor Who and its long-term future. Ncuti Gatwa has only appeared on screen for one season so far, and already there are tons of questions about his future as the Doctor. Will he remain in the role long-term? Will the show even have a long-term future under the current arrangement?

It’s easy to speculate whether Gatwa will continue in the role, but there are other critical questions at hand. For instance, will Disney+ maintain its international and financial arrangement with the show for seasons 14 and 15? (Or, as they refer to them, seasons 1 and 2 of the new era.) Should Disney decide to change things, the global future of the franchise could be uncertain.

For showrunner Russell T. Davies, there is no rush to make any hasty decisions. During San Diego Comic-Con, he mentioned (per the Mirror):

“We’ve got all those months of post to come. It’s a long way off, so no decisions yet. We are happy making it at the moment – we hope it continues forever.”

Personally, I hope we get at least three seasons out of Gatwa in the role. This duration seems to align with the standard shelf life of a Doctor these days, and it allows for many storylines to unfold. Although Gatwa could become interested in other projects, there is currently no indication that he plans to leave the series anytime soon.

Related– See a new preview of the upcoming Doctor Who Christmas Special!

Do you think Ncuti Gatwa will stay on Doctor Who beyond the upcoming season? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below!

Source: Mirror