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New Book Gives Crossword Puzzles a Black Culture Twist

For diverse crossword lovers, a new book release aims to provide clues primarily from Black culture.

Its inception was inspired by a Black woman who often found herself unable to relate to other crossword themes. Juliana Pache’s desire to engage with a game that reflected her cultural norms and phrases led her to create in January 2023.

The platform allows fellow Black crossword enthusiasts to play with familiar clues. The site’s motto, “If you know, you know,” sums up the experience.

Pache told ABC News that the site attracts around 2,200 daily visitors. Her new book, “Black Crossword: 100 Mini Puzzles Celebrating the African Diaspora,” takes the concept even further. Released on Aug. 20, the book compiles numerous puzzles that have drawn Black people to her original website.

Focusing on Black culture, the puzzles incorporate abundant cultural references while remaining challenging, similar to the format of The New York Times crosswords.

“I also want to make it challenging, not just for people who might be interested in Black culture, but people within Black culture who might be interested in other regions,” said Pache. “Part of my mission is to highlight Black people from all over, Black culture from all over. And I think that keeps us learning about each other.”

She added, “And then, if anyone else enjoys it, they learn things from it; that’s a bonus, but it’s not my focus.”

Pache is not the only one who has critiqued the Times’ lack of inclusivity in their crosswords. The criticism has even prompted the platform to increase representation in its popular game. Meanwhile, Pache is taking control, becoming the game master where Black history and culture are the standard.

Avid players can purchase “Black Crossword: 100 Mini Puzzles Celebrating the African Diaspora” from various retailers.

Source: ABC News