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Nicki Minaj Calls Her Younger Sister a “Mooch,” Ming Luanli Responds

Nicki Minaj criticized an unnamed relative, calling them a “mooch” and “clown” for speaking about someone they love during a recent episode on Stationhead.

Minaj’s younger sister, Ming Luanli, is the only family member to have given interviews about the music icon lately, so many assumed Minaj was speaking about Ming. Ming Li’s response to her sister’s rant only fueled the speculation.

On Monday (Aug. 5), the Pink Friday 2 artist discussed the “not-so” mysterious person, questioning, “Why would a person speak openly about a private person? Why would a person do that? Who would you speak about in your interviews if someone wanted to interview you? Yourself, right?”

Minaj continued, expressing skepticism about a person who is not successful in her line of work giving interviews about it. She further hinted at talking about her younger sibling, who has aspirations of becoming a rap star like Minaj, remarking, “I think y’all think talent… like you could catch it like a cold. Or maybe people could pass it through the genes. Even with blood relation, what God has given to me is mine.”

Minaj emphasized her point: “You have to go and get your own. You have to discover whatever it is that you’re great at. Being a mooch and a clown don’t run in my DNA.”

The audio clip of Minaj’s remarks quickly made its rounds, leading Ming Li to repost it and respond in a comment. “I still love her. I tried as a sister to please her but I realize I gotta please God first cause only He can judge the gift He gave me,” she wrote.

Although Minaj didn’t directly name Ming in her comments, many recalled the 18-year-old’s interview with the We In Miami podcast, where she admitted that she and Minaj “were never close.”

Ming shared, “I’ve never called her Nicki, by her name, at all. Calling her Nicki always felt weird, I’ve always called her Onika, too. But we were never close, but we had a good bond. She was always, like, busy. She be busy and stuff like that; I be doing my stuff, too. But at the end of the day, I know that I still got love for her, she still got love for me, and I’ma still be proud of her.”

Ming also opened up about being bullied as a child due to her connection to the music icon, saying they share the same father but have different mothers.

Discussing her desire to pursue music like Minaj, Ming admitted that her career choice has brought on a lot of hate and comparisons, with peers questioning why her sister didn’t help her out. “In elementary, middle school, high school, the moment people knew who I was, they either asked me about my sister or asked me weird things that made me uncomfortable,” she recalled. “At the time, I felt not only attacked, I felt vulnerable. I felt like I was by myself.”

Despite everything, Ming admitted that she still strives to impress Minaj, although she knows she’ll “never be at the same level” as the Young Money veteran.

See Nicki Minaj ranting about her “mooch” relative and revisit Ming Luanli’s full interview mentioning her sister above.

Source: Particlenews