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Nikki Haley Not Invited to RNC, Despite Urging Support for Trump

Nikki Haley will not be at the 2024 Republican National Convention.

The former Republican presidential candidate was not invited to attend the monumental GOP event, which begins on Monday, July 15, according to Politico.

Haley’s spokesperson Chaney Denton told the outlet that she “was not invited, and she’s fine with that.” The spokesperson said that presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump “deserves the convention he wants.”

“She’s made it clear she’s voting for him and wishes him the best,” Denton added.

Nikki Haley.

Rachel Mummey/Bloomberg via Getty

The convention will take place from July 15-18 in Milwaukee, Wis., and will welcome “thousands of delegates and alternates” to formally vote on the 2024 Republican presidential nominee, per the event website.

Ahead of the nomination ceremony, Haley urged the 97 delegates she amassed during the presidential primaries to support Trump during the election.

“The nominating convention is a time for Republican unity,” she wrote in a July 9 post. “Joe Biden is not competent to serve a second term and Kamala Harris would be a disaster for America.”

“I encourage my delegates to support Donald Trump next week in Milwaukee,” Haley continued.

Donald Trump.

Anna Moneymaker/Getty

The former South Carolina governor announced her candidacy in February 2023 with a promise to prioritize fiscal responsibility, border security and foreign relations. She had been hinting at a possible run for months, saying at a 2022 fundraiser in Iowa she would run “if there’s a place for me.”

Haley suspended her campaign in March 2024 and shared her well wishes to Trump. She stated that she was “filled with gratitude” for the support she had received since launching her campaign.

The onetime U.N. ambassador, whom Trump nicknamed “birdbrain” on the campaign trail, said in her dropout remarks, “In all likelihood Donald Trump will be the party nominee,” adding, “I wish him well.”

Without endorsing him, she went on to say that it was his responsibility to “earn the votes of those in the party who did not support him.”

In May, Haley revealed that she will vote for Trump for president during her first public remarks since dropping out of the race. She emphasized that Trump “has not been perfect” on policy issues, and advised his campaign to “reach out to the millions of people who voted for me and continue to support me, and not assume that they’re just going to be with him.”

As the Republican National Convention nears, many are wondering who Trump will select as his vice presidential candidate — as he must do so ahead of being named the party’s nominee.

Both Trump and Haley have ruled out the potential of them joining forces. In January, Trump told New Hampshire voters, “She’s not presidential timber. Now when I say that, that probably means that she’s not going to be chosen as the vice president.”

Haley declared around the same time: “I don’t want to be anybody’s vice president. That is off the table.” Her absence at the convention, where Trump’s running mate will join in the ceremonies, all but confirms that she’s out of the running.

Marco Rubio, Doug Burgum and J.D. Vance are among the top names that are reportedly on Trump’s vice presidential shortlist.

Source: Politico