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Nine Arrested as Pro-Palestine Protesters Block LA Freeway During Rush Hour

Protesters advocating for a ceasefire in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict caused significant disruptions on the 405 freeway in Los Angeles on Tuesday morning, coinciding with the busy rush hour. The demonstrators voiced their demands for a halt to hostilities and a U.S. arms embargo on Israel.

The protest led to approximately an hour of standstill traffic, with nine individuals arrested, though there were no reported injuries, as confirmed by the California Highway Patrol.

The progressive Jewish advocacy group If Not Now LA participated in the protest, emphasizing their stance on social media. They stated, “Today, American Jews risked their bodies to demand a lasting ceasefire and an end to U.S. military aid to Israel.”

This statement highlighted their concern over the Biden administration’s decision to provide $14 billion in unconditional aid to Israel, which they believe supports the killing of Palestinian civilians. They argued that calls for a ceasefire hold little weight if they are not accompanied by an end to financial support for the Israeli military.

Protesters displayed various signs calling for an embargo and urged their fellow Jews to oppose the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a prominent pro-Israel organization that has been influential in congressional election campaigns, including recent efforts that contributed to the defeat of Representative Cori Bush.

This demonstration in Los Angeles echoed similar protests occurring nationwide. For instance, activists previously blocked the Golden Gate Bridge in April as a form of protest advocating for a ceasefire.

This week, 26 participants in the protest were charged with several offenses, including false imprisonment, conspiracy, trespassing, unlawful assembly, and failing to comply with a police officer’s orders.

As previously reported, the conflict in Gaza has significant implications for the upcoming political landscape and may influence the 2024 elections. The Biden administration has urged Israel to take steps to minimize civilian casualties and to pursue a ceasefire. However, it has simultaneously continued to support Israel by supplying arms while Israel conducts military actions that have raised serious concerns among human rights experts, who have characterized the situation as genocide.

Vice President Kamala Harris has called for an immediate ceasefire during her campaign, although she has shown frustration when addressing pro-Palestine demonstrators who have interrupted her events.

Former President Donald Trump has not been as vocal on this issue, but he did comment in March, urging Israel to “finish up” the conflict, suggesting that it was damaging their global standing.

Source: multiple news outlets