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Not Backing Off

Brian Kilmeade expressed his frustration Thursday morning over being falsely accused by several political and media figures of using a racial slur on Fox & Friends the previous day.

The viral clip in question featured the Fox & Friends hosts discussing Vice President Kamala Harris’s decision to address the historically Black sorority Zeta Phi Beta at its annual convention in Indianapolis, instead of presiding over a congressional session for Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu’s address.

However, an independent Fox News watchdog group named Bad Fox Graphics posted a misleading social media post, inaccurately claiming that Kilmeade had referred to the sorority as “colored.” This false interpretation spread quickly among notable political media figures.

DNC Chair Jamie Harrison, MSNBC contributor and former Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill, and WHCA President and Politico Playbook co-author Eugene Daniels all shared the erroneous claim, demonstrating either their confirmation bias or lack of critical thinking.

Kilmeade addressed the matter by recounting how he discovered the smear while hosting his radio show. “So this ends up being this big thing, and it turns out the person who did it is head of the Washington Correspondents Association,” Kilmeade explained. “And he’s a Politico guy who does playbook every day. I ended up speaking to him at the end of the day, and that conversation remained private. But they walked it back.”

He added, “They corrected it, but it didn’t stop for four or five hours. People like Jamie Harrison, head of the DNC, calling me a clown, making racial accusations my direction. People across the country just see the headline and start throwing things out. It disparages me, disparages his company.”

Kilmeade urged for more responsible media reporting and concluded, “It’s a learned moment for everyone on the couch, everyone watching. From now on, things have changed, said Kamala Harris. Are they looking to label anyone anytime a racist, sexist, misogynist? I’m not going to back off anything I say. I think it was a huge mistake of going to a college sorority instead of the Prime Minister’s address, and I’m not going to apologize for it. But people who are in the media should be responsible when they report things.”

Watch above via Fox News.

Source: Fox News, Politico