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Now She Feels He’s Indebted to Her

As a form of retribution, Jennifer Lopez is going after Ben Affleck where it hurts the most: in his wallet, a new report claimed. The “Let’s Get Loud” songstress is allegedly singing a different tune and undertaking some big bill hunting after understanding that she picked up the majority of the tab for Bennifer 2.0’s extravagant A-list lifestyle.

Now Jennifer wants half of her almost-ex’s money, which is estimated to be $150 million, despite the fact that she is worth a lot more than that, an unnamed source told The National Enquirer.

According to an insider close to the situation, Ben, who is 51 years old and a “cheapskate,” “always grumbled about spending money” during their marriage. As a result, the driven diva paid up in order to avoid having to listen to him gripe about her extravagant spending behaviors.

“One of the little-known secrets is Jennifer paid for much of their marital expenses and now she feels he owes her. She’s adding up all those private jet bills she put on her plastic, the hotels and meals, clothes, coffee runs, gas. The high cost of high living was done on her dime. She paid the lion’s share for that $60 million mansion they bought, too,” the insider claimed.

“Ben took so much money out of her, at least that’s what she’s saying,” it added. Nevertheless, the fact that the couple “divorced” after only two years of marriage has made Jennifer aware of the extent to which the “Gone Girl” star “mooched” off of her, and she is now seeking compensation for her actions, the informant suggested.

“She’s demanding a full inventory of what she spent versus what he spent and wants all the money back she ‘invested.’ She isn’t the one who gave up on their marriage and she’s feeling seriously burned and is out for blood. If he had stayed in the marriage like a good boy, she wouldn’t have minded. But he abandoned her and ultimately, Jennifer always gets payback and now she’s ready to play hardball,” the tipster said.

Several reports have previously claimed that Jennifer and Ben have been living apart. The first piece of information that Ben has been staying at a residence in Brentwood by himself was revealed by TMZ on May 16. This information was confirmed by Us Weekly later that same day, and then on May 19, a source for Entertainment Tonight stated that “they have been staying in separate homes and the tension has been high.”

According to a tattler who spoke with Us Weekly on May 28, they speak “primarily to discuss essential matters and updates.” Furthermore, on June 28th, it was claimed by People that Ben was “moving his belongings” out of their residence.

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck have yet to comment on the claims that they have already divorced. So, devoted supporters of the Hollywood couple should take all these unverified reports with a huge grain of salt until everything is proven true and correct.

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Source: Business Times