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Obama Returns to Spotlight and Sharpens Critique of Trump

Former President Barack Obama speaks during the Democratic National Convention at the United Center in Chicago on Aug. 20.

Former President Barack Obama made a striking return to the political forefront with a compelling address that aimed to pass his enduring political legacy to Kamala Harris, while simultaneously criticizing Donald Trump. After a long period of relative silence, Obama emerged center stage during the Democratic National Convention, where he shared the spotlight with his wife, Michelle, on the second night of the event.

In his speech, Obama proclaimed, “the torch has been passed,” expressing his support for Joe Biden and contrasting Harris with Trump, describing the latter’s approach as stale. “America is ready for a new chapter. America’s ready for a better story,” he emphasized to a cheering crowd. “We are ready for a President Kamala Harris.”

Obama’s remarks served as a bridge from Biden’s earlier speech, which highlighted the accomplishments of his administration alongside Harris, to the upcoming focus on the revamped Democratic ticket. His presence reaffirmed his status as one of the party’s most effective spokespersons, similar to Michelle, who also delivered an impassioned speech, linking the enthusiasm generated by Harris’s nascent campaign to the hope that buoyed Obama’s initial presidential run.

Despite remaining mostly out of the public eye over the last two years, Obama was energized as he spoke for 35 minutes before an arena packed with supporters. He sharply criticized Trump, referring to him as “a 78-year-old billionaire who hasn’t stopped whining about his problems.” He mocked the former president’s incessant complaints, adding, “It’s been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that’s actually gotten worse now that he’s afraid of losing to Kamala.”

In a humorous anecdote, Obama compared Trump to a bothersome neighbor who constantly runs a leaf blower, remarking that it disrupts everyone around him. “The childish nicknames and crazy conspiracy theories,” he said, illustrating how repetitive and tiresome Trump’s antics have become.

Obama also took the opportunity to highlight Harris’ qualifications, noting his long-standing relationship with her spanning two decades. He detailed her impressive biography as a prosecutor, senator, and vice president, asserting that she embodies the core values of America’s narrative. He charmingly remarked on Minnesota Governor Tim Walz’s background, alluding to his authenticity and connection to his roots.

This event marked the second time Obama urged Americans to elect a woman, focusing on Harris this time. His past stance discouraged Biden from entering the 2016 race against Hillary Clinton, yet he offered only minimal public support for Biden during challenging times.

While praising Biden’s character and his decision to step aside after a long public service career, Obama extolled his leadership qualities, describing Biden as a unifier who placed the nation’s interests above personal ambitions. Obama recounted how essential it was to have someone steady at the helm during turbulent times.

Though Harris was not present at the convention while Obama spoke, she was rallying supporters in Milwaukee at the same time, just moments before his address. This absence did not diminish Obama’s message, as he focused on a key theme of Harris’s campaign: differentiating between Democratic and Republican values.

He asserted that the Republican ideology operates on the principle that one group’s success is another’s failure, stating, “For them, freedom means that the powerful can do what they please.” He further declared that Democrats hold a broader conception of freedom, grounded in collective well-being.

As he wrapped up his speech, Obama paid tribute to the recent loss of Michelle’s mother while recalling his mother’s influential role in his life. He portrayed both as strong, intelligent women who significantly contributed to their families and communities.

In highlighting Harris’s candidacy, Obama presented her as a figure of stability and safety amid a fractured political landscape. He concluded with a poignant message about restoring unity and kindness in America, echoing Abraham Lincoln’s vision of reconnecting with the “bonds of affection” that define the nation.

“As much as any policy or program, I believe that’s what we yearn for—a return to an America where we work together and look out for each other,” he remarked, adding, “That’s what this election is about.”

Source: Politico