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Officer Fired After Video Shows Him Beating Handcuffed Inmate in Car

Little Rock, Ark. — A police officer in Arkansas has been terminated after footage emerged showing him violently assaulting a handcuffed inmate in his patrol car. The police chief has announced intentions to forward the case to prosecutors for further review.

Jonesboro Police Chief Rick Elliott dismissed Officer Joseph Harris on Friday, just a day after the disturbing incident, which involved Harris using punches and elbows against the inmate during a transfer. The confrontation occurred while transporting the inmate from a local hospital back to the county jail.

After receiving a complaint from the county sheriff’s office, Elliott reviewed the video evidence. The police department then shared the footage on its YouTube channel, alongside a public announcement of Harris’s termination.

“I was just shocked and appalled by Harris’s actions,” Elliott expressed during a conversation with The Associated Press. “Based on that conduct, I’m not going to tolerate it, and immediately terminated him.”

No contact information was available for Harris, who had served in the department for five years.

Billy Lee Coram, the inmate in question, can be seen in the video wearing a hospital gown and attempting to choke himself with a seatbelt during the approximately 12-minute recording. After the patrol car stopped, Harris opened the door and began to physically assault Coram, striking him multiple times in the face as he attempted to untangle the seatbelt from around the inmate’s neck.

Harris further escalated the violence by slamming the car door against Coram’s head. Chief Elliott did not comment on the specific injuries that Coram might have suffered as a result of the altercation. Coram was being held at the Craighead County jail on escape charges and had outstanding warrants from other jurisdictions.

Initially, Coram had been taken to the hospital after informing jail staff that he had ingested fentanyl. He later attempted to escape while hospitalized before being apprehended by Harris and placed in the patrol car.

No updates were provided concerning Coram’s court dates or legal representation as the jail did not respond to inquiries on Monday afternoon.

Looking forward, Chief Elliott has stated that he plans to refer the case to local prosecutors and will be preparing the necessary documentation in the upcoming days. The county prosecutor had not responded to calls seeking comment on the matter as of Monday.

In addition to the internal review, Elliott has also reached out to the FBI’s office in Little Rock regarding the incident and is advocating for the state to strip Harris of his police certification.

“Wrong is wrong. There’s not really anything to investigate,” Elliott emphasized, indicating the clarity of the misconduct displayed in the video.

This incident is not Harris’s first encounter with allegations of excessive force; he was previously suspended two years ago for similar behavior. Additionally, he is currently named as a defendant in a wrongful death lawsuit that was filed in June concerning an inmate’s death that occurred within the Craighead County jail earlier this year.

Source: CBS News