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Olympian Mary Lou Retton Recovers from Illness with Family and Faith
Larsen + Talbert. H&M: Renee Green/On Location Hair and Makeup TX

With her radiant smile and dynamic gymnastics, Olympic Gold Medalist Mary Lou Retton captivated the world with her historic victory at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. She became the first American woman to win the all-around gold medal in Olympic gymnastics, alongside earning two silver and two bronze medals, swiftly becoming America’s darling.

Forty years later, Retton still shines with that winning smile, and her determination remains unwavering despite facing unforeseen challenges over the past year. The mother of four daughters nearly succumbed to a rare form of pneumonia in 2023.

Throughout this daunting and frightening period, Retton leaned heavily on her family for strength and positivity.

“For 40 years, people have told me, ‘You inspired me,’” she shares with Woman’s World. “But it’s my daughters who inspire me — their support, strength, and presence. They saved my life. They are exceptional young women.”

She continues, “You can take my five Olympic medals. If I must choose, all I want are my kids. They are incredible. I was at death’s door — I’m not exaggerating. They’ve shown me pictures I can’t even remember, and I don’t recognize myself in them. It’s surreal.”

Read on to discover more about Mary Lou Retton’s remarkable recovery from this unthinkable ordeal.
Woman’s World

The West Virginia native, now residing in Texas, has struggled to regain her health over the past year and still needs oxygen support.

“I was filming a TV commercial the day before I suddenly fell ill,” the former Wheaties spokesperson recounts.

As a seasoned athlete, Retton is no stranger to injuries and hospital stays. “I’ve had over 30 orthopedic operations, five hip replacements, metal in my back, two neck replacements, and surgeries on my shoulders and knees, but my ankles are pretty good,” she jests.

“Lungs are a different beast,” she explains. “I could rehab orthopedic injuries within months because I understand them. But dealing with my lungs has brought me down.”

Typically brave, Retton admits to struggling with discouragement at times, saying, “I’m just all over the place.”

“This illness has made me feel like I’ve aged 50 years, despite eating healthy my entire life,” she says. “I avoid processed foods, and used to walk and work out frequently. I’m slowly resuming those activities, but I’m still on oxygen, which limits me.”

Even simple daily tasks have become arduous. “You should see the pile of laundry waiting for me. It’s embarrassing, but I don’t have the energy to do it,” she confesses.
Mary Lou Retton in 2023 @marylouretton/Instagram

Retton admits her physical trials have challenged her faith. “When I first got sick, I was angry because I had endured so much already,” she reveals.

“I told God, ‘I’m tough. Don’t you see it? I know you are testing me.’ But I believe God does things for a reason,” she believes. “I don’t know my lessons yet, but I’m trying to stay open-minded and understand the purpose behind all this. For believers, looking to the Lord is crucial. That’s where I find my strength.”

Despite the hardships, Retton’s faith and her daughters’ love and support have lifted her spirits. Divorced after 28 years of marriage, she has started dating again and eagerly anticipates the birth of her first grandchild this month.
Mary Lou Retton at the 1984 Olympics Bettmann/Getty

When asked how she unwinds, Retton emphasizes the importance of family time.

“A ‘me’ day involves taking all four girls for a mani-pedi. That’s our thing,” she beams. “We love cooking together. I’m Italian, and I cooked their entire childhood. They were athletes with hearty appetites. Today, they all cook, and that means so much to me. They’re following my footsteps.”
Mary Lou Retton in 2003 Getty Images/Bob Riha, Jr.

Retton, a mother of four daughters, has always advocated for body confidence, but she admits it’s an ongoing struggle for her.

“I’m very insecure about my body. I still pinch myself to see if I’m pinching an inch,” she says, referencing an old method women used to measure body fat.

“It’s crazy what women put themselves through,” she observes. “I can’t be 16 again. I’ve had four children, but societal pressures are relentless, amplified by social media and ads.”
Mary Lou Retton with her daughter in 2008 Michael Caulfield/WireImage/Getty

“We need to love ourselves, and I still struggle with that,” Retton admits. “High doses of steroids during my illness made me swell like a blowfish. I gained 12 pounds, not fat, but water weight. It saved my lungs, but made me feel terrible. They are weaning me off, but I’m not there yet. I have a wedding in September and haven’t bought my dress because I’m not where I want to be.”

Despite her slow recovery, Retton continues to enjoy life and encourages women to take risks, especially in love.

“I never really needed a man, nor do I,” she says contentedly. “I’m very independent, having left home at 12, but recently I’m dating someone new. It’s fun but terrifying since my ex was my only boyfriend. I met him at 17, and we were married for 28 years.”

After her divorce, Retton faced her fears, yielding joyful results. “I met an incredible man through my daughter McKenna,” she says. “She wanted to set me up. So we’ve been seeing each other. My advice is to let someone set you up and don’t give up on love.”

Whether it’s love, recovery, faith, or family, Retton’s resilience is undeniable, and she will never surrender the things she cherishes most.

Source: Woman’s World