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Outrageous Answers from ‘Longlegs’ Director Osgood Perkins’ AMA

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For a movie as mysterious as Longlegs, you might expect the writer and director to be a shadowy figure with deep, dark secrets. However, Osgood Perkins is simply a movie enthusiast who enjoys a good scare, much like the audiences for his films. Like many film buffs, he recently engaged with fans on Reddit, where things took an unexpected turn, mirroring the twists in Longlegs itself.

During a recent Reddit AMA, Perkins offered some intriguing insights into the more puzzling aspects of the movie. When a fan asked if Agent Harker doomed herself to hell because her mother didn’t complete the murder of the entire Carter family, Perkins succinctly replied, “sure.” Another quip from Perkins included him saying, “the movie was made entirely by google.” It’s surprising words from the creator of the scariest movie of the year.

Beyond the playful responses, Perkins also shared more substantial information. He cited Eraserhead, The Shining, and Beetlejuice among his biggest influences, even joking, “I should be so lucky to lick Lynch’s boot.”

Of course, the die-hard fans craved to know if Nicolas Cage was genuinely interested in singing. Addressing the infamous “Let Me In Now” scene, Perkins explained, “i wrote the words and cage did the phrasing. just one of those lucky things that happens if you keep showing up to work.” Truly spoken like a dedicated director.

Perkins further noted that Cage was up for nearly anything to enhance the movie. “Nick would run into traffic if he thought it would help the movie,” Perkins said. Fortunately, Cage didn’t go to such extremes, although he did bring up some significant childhood trauma for his role.

It also became clear that Perkins has a strong opinion about television. When a fan commented, “I wish this movie was a series. That’s all I want to say. It left me wanting so much more,” Perkins bluntly responded, “F*ck tv. And thank you!” This response provides a glimpse into Perkins’ passion for film as a medium.

Lastly, Perkins shared his unique favorite way to watch a film—on a plane, but by observing others. “I like watching people watch movies on airplanes. so i hope someone watches someone else watching someone else watching it on an airplane. over an ocean. at night.” Perhaps this method could inspire a sequel like Red Eye 2.

Source: Uproxx