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Parents Hire ‘Bigfoot’ for Kid’s Birthday, It Ends in Disaster

Even though this incident happened in 2021, we still think it is hilarious.

Normally, when you hire an entertainer for a child’s birthday party, you get a clown or a magician. These days, you might even hire a Disney princess. However, a couple from Oklahoma clearly missed that memo.

According to, this couple thought it would be a fantastic idea to hire someone to impersonate Bigfoot for their daughter Blaynee Mae’s 6th birthday. The results were pretty disastrous.

Interior designer Brett McPherson and her family were spending some time in Oklahoma. They decided to pay homage to local lore by hiring an actor dressed as Bigfoot for the celebration.

During the party, Bigfoot, who goes by the name Cinnamon, showed up dressed in a tutu and holding a bouquet of balloons. The family expected the kids to be thrilled with this unique guest. They were right, sort of…

The kids freaked out!

Check out the video:

Hopefully, this will serve as a warning to other parents considering something out of the ordinary for their child’s birthday party.

The good news is that the party was not completely ruined. The parents managed to calm the kids down, and Cinnamon eventually gave out balloons and hugs.

Still, it seems likely that they’ll opt for a clown or a princess for Blaynee’s 7th birthday party.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve seen at a kid’s party? Send us a message on Facebook or through our app.

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