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Parry Shen Celebrates His Return to General Hospital!

It’s been a while since viewers have seen Brad on General Hospital, but Parry Shen will soon be back on screen. The actor celebrated this news with one of his hilarious Instagram videos. “Let’s see what’s in store for Brad this time around in Port Charles!” he enthused.

Set to the Backstreet Boys’ “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back),” Shen’s video opens with screenshots of the news and a tweet from a GH fan excited about Brad’s return. The video then shows Shen digging through a box to find his telescoping selfie stick. In his car, he affixes his ABC ID to the stick and sets his car’s GPS to take him from home to the ABC studio, using the stick to easily get past security.

The character of Brad Cooper was introduced back in February 2013 and played by Marcus Toji for one episode before Shen took over in May. The recurring role seemed to come to an end in March 2020 when Brad was sent to prison after the baby switch storyline, but Shen was back by the end of the year for a few appearances and was a free man in December 2021.

However, Brad’s appearances have been few and far between lately, with his most recent episode being in March 2023. Epiphany’s loved ones came together for her funeral, and Brad and Felix leaned on each other in their grief.

Brad has been working for his aunt, the notorious mobster Selina Wu, since being fired from the hospital. After his time behind bars, he really does seem to be trying to turn his life around. The only question is, will people let him? Stay tuned to find out.

Source: Particlenews