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Passengers may remain alive in air pockets of the sunken superyacht, but time is running out.

Search efforts are ongoing for the six individuals who are missing after the superyacht Bayesian sank off the coast of Porticello, Italy, during a sudden storm early Monday. Divers are currently exploring the wreckage for possible air pockets where the missing persons may be trapped, although officials express concerns about the challenges facing the rescue operation.

Among those unaccounted for is British tech tycoon Mike Lynch. Reports indicate that one person has been found deceased, while 15 others were rescued from the ill-fated vessel.

Matthew Schanck, the chairman of the UK’s Maritime Search and Rescue Council, shared insights with Business Insider, noting that as approximately 36 hours have elapsed since the incident, it is probable that the missing individuals remain inside the submerged yacht. He remarked that the calm conditions following the storm and weak sea currents may have allowed any survivors on the surface to be located by now.

Schanck elaborated on the current search procedures. Divers will attempt to assess visibility inside the vessel through windows and evaluate its structural integrity. They are particularly looking for signs of life, such as any noises or indications of air pockets, which will help inform their decisions on how to proceed.

Rescue operations are further complicated by time constraints. Nick Sloane, who played a role in the Costa Concordia salvage effort, warned that the opportunity to find survivors is rapidly diminishing. “They’ve got a very small window of time to try to find people stuck inside with hopefully an air pocket, and they could be rescued,” he stated.

Sloane mentioned that the positioning of the yacht could affect the availability of air pockets. If it is lying on its side, there may be greater chances of finding air compared to if it remains upright, although he speculated that the yacht’s large keel would likely contribute to its tilting.

According to Schanck, the leaders of the search and rescue teams are faced with the difficult task of weighing the risks of sending divers into the submerged yacht against the potential benefits of finding any survivors. If rescuers were to hear sounds indicating life from inside, Schanck noted that they would be more inclined to take risks. Conversely, if all evidence suggests that there are no air pockets or signs of life, it would be challenging to justify sending divers into such a precarious situation.

Vincenzo Zagarola, a spokesperson for the Italian Coast Guard, communicated a bleak outlook regarding the chances of finding the missing individuals alive. “Of course, we do not exclude that they are not inside the boat, but we know the boat sank quickly,” he explained. Zagarola added, “We presume that the six people missing may not have had time to get out of the boat.” When questioned about the possibility of finding survivors, he cautiously remarked, “Never say never, but reasonably, the answer should be no.”

There is no definitive timeline for when the search might be officially called off; decisions are made based on the evolving situation and the evidence available to the rescue teams. Schanck emphasized that team leaders must assess various factors before concluding search efforts.

Mike Lynch is notably recognized as one of the United Kingdom’s prominent technology entrepreneurs. He sold his company, Autonomy, to Hewlett-Packard for $11 billion in 2011. However, this transaction led to a prolonged legal dispute, culminating in Lynch’s acquittal on fraud charges in the United States earlier this year. Among the missing individuals is his daughter, Hannah Lynch, while his wife, Angela Bacares, has been reported among the survivors.

As the search continues, the situation remains critical, with hopes diminishing as the hours pass. The complexities involving the underwater conditions and the potential risks to divers add to the urgency and sadness surrounding this tragedy.

Source: Business Insider