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Pat Ryan: Harris on Ticket Boosts Democrats’ Odds for House Majority

Representative Pat Ryan (D-N.Y.) expressed optimism on Sunday regarding the potential impact of Vice President Kamala Harris’s candidacy on the Democratic Party’s chances of regaining control of the House of Representatives in the upcoming fall elections.

In an interview with CBS News’s “Face the Nation,” Ryan was asked if he believed that Democrats would have a better chance of winning the majority in Congress with Harris as the presidential candidate. He confidently replied, “Definitely, no doubt.”

Ryan reflected on his own recent election, noting he won by a narrow margin of 1.3 percent, indicating he is highly attuned to the sentiments within his district. He described the change in energy brought on by Harris’s candidacy as a significant boost, likening it to “putting rocket fuel into a jet engine.”

“It’s essential to understand that while it’s one thing to oppose certain policies, it’s more powerful to support positive values and core freedoms. That’s what’s rallying people,” he added.

When asked if having Harris as the nominee made his own re-election campaign easier, Ryan responded affirmatively, saying, “Without question.” He highlighted the energy and enthusiasm he witnessed at last week’s Democratic National Convention (DNC) and noted the surge of optimism within the party over the preceding weeks.

Ryan emphasized Harris’s focus on themes such as freedom, patriotism, reproductive rights, and environmental health, stating that these resonate with people from all political backgrounds. “Regardless of party affiliation, people want to believe in something positive,” he remarked, adding his belief that the momentum would continue to build as the election approaches.

Currently representing New York’s 18th congressional district, which the Cook Political Report classifies as a “lean Democrat” race, Ryan won his seat in a special election in 2022. However, Republicans are targeting his district as a key opportunity to flip in the upcoming election.

Earlier last month, Ryan joined over two dozen Democratic colleagues in urging President Joe Biden to refrain from seeking re-election, citing concerns about Biden’s performance in debates against former President Trump. Ryan expressed doubts about Biden’s strength as the party’s candidate to defeat Trump in November.

Despite initially being steadfast in his decision to run, Biden ultimately chose to withdraw from the race and endorsed Harris as his successor.

Harris’s entrance into the presidential race has energized the Democratic Party, facilitating a quick consolidation of support around her and her chosen running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. Harris has since been confirmed as the party’s official presidential nominee, accepting the nomination during the DNC last Thursday.

Polling data suggests that Harris’s candidacy may also have a positive impact on other Democratic campaigns. A recent Cook Political Report poll indicated that Senate candidates in several battleground states have seen their previously positive standings improve since Harris stepped into the race.

The next 72 days leading up to the election promise to be crucial as Democrats rally around a campaign focused on positive values and core freedoms, with Harris at the helm.

Source: Nexstar Media, Inc.