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Pat Sajak Won’t Interfere with Ryan Seacrest and ‘Wheel of Fortune’

Pat Sajak has officially retired from Wheel of Fortune. Although he still has one more season left on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, his journey with the main series has come to an end. Stepping into his shoes is Ryan Seacrest, a choice that has stirred mixed reactions among fans. However, those hoping for a smooth transition with Sajak’s assistance may be in for a disappointment.

According to sources, Pat Sajak is quite busy these days and shows no intention of helping Ryan Seacrest get acquainted with the show. The insider mentioned that even if Sajak had the time, he has no desire to lend a hand.

Pat Sajak’s departure from Wheel of Fortune seems to have given him a new lease on life. This is despite claims that the show pressured him into retiring before he was ready. Some insiders suggest that this forced retirement has left Sajak unwilling to assist Seacrest, even if asked.

Reportedly, Pat Sajak is keeping himself occupied and has expressed no wish to interfere with Ryan Seacrest’s new role as host. While this may sound courteous, it appears there’s more beneath the surface. A source noted that there’s a hint of “bitter satisfaction” in Sajak’s decision not to assist.

This sentiment is rooted in how Sajak feels about his exit from the show. He reportedly wants to see if Ryan can handle the job, knowing full well that hosting Wheel of Fortune isn’t as easy as it seems. The insider went on to say that Sajak feels “resentful of how he was treated and then removed from the show,” describing it as a “forced retirement.” This sentiment is apparently noticeable to those around him.

While Ryan Seacrest can theoretically ask Pat for advice, the likelihood of him getting any useful tips appears slim. The source explained that Pat will probably be perpetually “busy” or would offer a nonchalant “You got this” in response.

Ryan Seacrest certainly has a tough act to follow but stepping into iconic roles is not novel in the realm of television. Ken Jennings took over after Alex Trebek on Jeopardy!, Drew Carey replaced Bob Barker on The Price is Right, and Steve Harvey became the new face of The Family Feud after Richard Dawson. Each transition has had its own set of challenges and triumphs.

While Ryan Seacrest gears up to take over Wheel of Fortune, Pat Sajak is exploring different pursuits. Sajak, now 77, is preparing for a return to acting, particularly in theater. He has previously performed in shows in Hawai’i and is set to take the stage again in the summer of 2025.

Sajak has landed a role in the community theater production Prescription: Murder, where he will act alongside his longtime friend Joe Moore. The pair has shared the stage before in various productions like The Odd Couple, The Honeymooners, The Boys in Autumn, Wrestling Ernest Hemingway, and Dial M for Murder.

Fan reaction will be crucial in shaping the next chapter of Wheel of Fortune. Will Ryan Seacrest manage to win over loyal viewers? And what lies ahead for Pat Sajak in his post-retirement endeavors? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Source: Closer Weekly