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Pelosi, who played a role in Biden’s exit, to speak at convention stage

CHICAGO — Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is set to make a significant appearance at the Democratic National Convention, showcasing her influential role in American politics. Known for being a formidable legislator and the first female Speaker of the House, she is now at the center of a crucial shift in the Democratic presidential landscape.

This year, as Pelosi takes the stage, she will highlight not only her achievements but also her role in determining that Vice President Kamala Harris will lead the Democratic ticket in the upcoming November election, rather than President Biden. In the days following a particularly challenging debate against former President Trump, Pelosi was instrumental in urging Biden to reconsider his candidacy.

Those close to Pelosi reveal that it was a difficult decision for her. Having played a critical role in helping Biden enact key legislation during the initial years of his presidency, she found herself torn between personal loyalty and the political reality facing the Democratic Party. Biden’s underwhelming performance was taking a toll; party enthusiasm waned, and fundraising efforts were faltering.

Rep. Jim Himes (D-Conn.) commented on Pelosi’s singular focus on winning, saying, “She is always about one thing — winning, in order to deliver good things to America.” Her dedication to ensuring a Democratic victory ultimately led her to confront the reality that Biden’s candidacy could jeopardize that goal.

Biden’s exit was not solely the result of Pelosi’s influence, but she certainly contributed to a broader conversation happening within the party. Pressure on him to step back came from various quarters, including fellow Democrats and significant donors, as anxiety about the party’s electoral prospects heightened.

Pelosi, for her part, has downplayed claims that she alone was pivotal in pushing Biden away from the ticket. Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) suggested that Pelosi would likely refrain from engaging with narratives portraying her as the sole architect of Biden’s departure. “I don’t think she’s going to dignify that,” he said.

Nevertheless, Pelosi’s actions did create the necessary space for Biden to contemplate whether continuing his campaign was in the best interest of the Democratic Party. Rep. Nydia Velázquez (D-N.Y.) noted that discussions with Pelosi reaffirmed that Biden needed time to assess his position, which would ultimately preserve his legacy.

Pelosi’s most notable contribution to this dialogue occurred during an early July appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Her refusal to directly endorse Biden during that segment was a calculated move that shifted the conversation surrounding his candidacy. It sent a clear message that doubts about his reelection were shared among other Democratic leaders.

In the wake of these events, some lawmakers speculated that Pelosi might not have wielded as much influence had she chosen to step down from her leadership role after the previous congressional session. Her decision to remain active in Congress has allowed her to navigate the complexities of party dynamics and advised younger leaders without losing credibility.

Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) praised Pelosi’s strategic approach, acknowledging that while her actions may have been controversial, they ultimately served the party coherence amidst growing uncertainty regarding Biden’s candidacy.

Despite the perception of conflict, Pelosi’s maneuvers have also stirred tensions with Biden’s administration. Allies suggest that while personal relationships may have been strained, the core aim of ensuring a Democratic win has been at the forefront of her decisions.

In anticipation of her speech at the convention, several Democrats close to Pelosi expect her to commend Biden for his service while also emphasizing the party’s future, particularly Harris’s road ahead. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) expressed certainty that Pelosi would underscore Biden’s legacy, but would also frame the conversation around progress and the path forward under Harris’s leadership.

While Pelosi avoids delving into any perceived rifts or conflicts, she stands poised to deliver a message that encapsulates both gratitude for Biden’s contributions and optimism for the future regarding the party’s direction under Kamala Harris.

With several layers of political maneuvering at play, Pelosi’s appearance is not only a reflection of her personal journey but also a crucial moment for the Democratic Party as it pivots towards a new direction in the upcoming election.

Source: Nexstar Media, Inc.