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Pentagon Delivers More Weapons to Ukraine Before Independence Day

On August 23, the Biden administration declared the dispatch of a new military aid package to Ukraine as the country geared up for its 33rd independence anniversary from Soviet rule.

Ammunition for U.S.-supplied High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, are part of the new aid package sent to Ukraine. (File Photo by Keizo Mori/UPI)

This latest package is described as a “significant new delivery of urgently needed weapons and equipment.” It includes advanced counter-drone systems, ammunition for the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS), as well as 155mm and 105mm artillery rounds. Additionally, the package contains Javelin and AT-4 anti-armor missiles.

The U.S. military indicated that these weapons, drawn from Defense Department stockpiles, are being dispatched rapidly to strengthen Ukraine’s defense as it continues to resist “Russia’s brutal aggression.”

President Joe Biden had a discussion with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday, focusing on the shipment while also commemorating Ukraine’s Independence Day, which is celebrated on August 24. This date marks the 1991 resolution by the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR that declared its independence from the Soviet Union.

This declaration preceded the Soviet Union’s dissolution on December 26, 1991.

During his conversation with Zelensky, Biden reiterated America’s “unwavering support for the people of Ukraine.” He acknowledged their resilience, noting, “For two-and-a-half years, they have repelled Russia’s vicious onslaught, including retaking more than half of the territory that Russian forces seized in the initial days of the war.”

Biden emphasized the strength of the Ukrainian spirit, saying, “They have remained unbowed in the face of Russia’s heinous war crimes and atrocities. And day after day, they have defended the values that unite people across both of our nations and around the world — including independence.”

In response, Zelensky expressed gratitude towards Biden, his administration, Congress, and the American people for their ongoing support, stating, “It enables us to endure and protect our statehood.”

On the same day, the Treasury Department announced the addition of nearly 400 individuals and entities to the list of sanctions targeting Russia due to its invasion and continued conflict in Ukraine.

The new sanctions aim at a wide array of individuals and organizations linked to Russian operational networks, which include sectors such as financial technology, ammunition procurement, military industrial suppliers, and components involved in the domestic war economy, among others.

This coordinated effort reaffirms the international community’s stance against Russian aggression and its implications for Ukraine’s sovereignty.

Source: UPI