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Pet Cam Footage Reveals the Most Relaxed Dog
(Photo Credit: @sellwithshima / TikTok)

Last month, a concerned dog owner decided to check in on her beloved pets while she was away. She turned on the pet cam expecting to see the usual daily activities. To her surprise, the video unveiled something quite amusing.

One of her rescue dogs was caught in an extraordinarily zen state, seemingly meditating to peaceful instrumental music playing in the background. Unable to keep the hilarious sight to herself, the pet parent shared the video on TikTok. The video quickly gained traction as viewers found the combination of relaxing music and the dog’s pose irresistibly funny.

Shima Circle, the owner of three rescue dogs, initially felt concerned about the wellbeing of her pets at home. She clicked on the pet cam footage, probably expecting to see them roaming around. But for the entire 13-second clip, one of her dogs remained in a sleep position that resembled a yoga pose, with “dog therapy music” playing softly in the background.

In the TikTok video, the Pit Bull and Labrador Retriever mix named Whiskey was blissfully asleep. The soothing, spa-like music seemed to have lulled Whiskey into a state of perfect calm. It wasn’t long before netizens humorously remarked that the dog appeared to be practicing Savasana, a popular yoga pose meant for relaxation.

Besides Whiskey, Shima has two other rescue dogs: a Basenji named Biggie and a Golden Retriever named Toby. In an interview with Newsweek, Shima expressed her joy at seeing Whiskey so relaxed and carefree, a sight that reassured her that the dogs had finally found a serene and loving home.

Shima added that her dogs are usually well-behaved. Occasionally, Toby the Golden Retriever would wander around the house, perhaps searching for his human friends. However, scenes like the one captured on video showed just how at peace they all were.

Regarding the tranquil music in the background, Shima explained that she created a special playlist for her dogs. “I made my own playlist on Apple Music called Dog Therapy, and I play that every time I leave the house. It quickly puts them to bed each time,” she said.

The footage of Whiskey in a deep state of relaxation has brought smiles to many, highlighting the joy and comfort pets can find in a loving home.

Source: Newsweek