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Photographer Captures Image of Secret Chinese Space Plane

An amateur space photographer, Felix Schöfbänker, has achieved an extraordinary feat by capturing a photo of the elusive Chinese space plane. This plane bears a striking resemblance to the United States’ own space plane, as seen in various images of similar crafts.

Schöfbänker managed to capture this rare image using a 14-inch telescope setup and advanced image rendering software. The Chinese space plane launched towards the end of 2023 for its latest mission. However, the specific activities and the duration of the mission remain shrouded in mystery.

In a conversation with, Schöfbänker stated that his image reveals something unusual about the Shenlong space plane that other depictions have not shown—two protrusions on one end of the craft. While these could potentially be solar panels, Schöfbänker admits he is unsure what these protrusions truly are.

He also speculated that the protrusions could be antennas or other technical equipment. There is also the possibility that the unusual shapes are simply a rendering artifact caused by the angle at which the space plane was photographed. Nevertheless, capturing such a photograph is a significant achievement for an amateur space photographer like Schöfbänker.

It has been more than 200 days since the Chinese space plane embarked on its latest highly classified mission. Although Schöfbänker’s photo does not provide detailed insights into the plane’s activities, it offers an unexpected and rare glimpse of the craft as it orbits the Earth.

The image, while intriguing, does little to alleviate concerns about China’s secretive space endeavors. Given the history of espionage and the opacity of China’s space missions, many are worried about the true purpose of this space plane. The fact that it has previously been documented releasing undisclosed objects only heightens these concerns.

Despite these apprehensions, this photograph is not the sole instance where dedicated amateur astronomers have tracked the Chinese space plane. Enthusiasts continue to monitor its trajectory around the planet, keeping a close eye on its movements and any potential activities.
