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Pippa Middleton’s Feature That Sparked a Plastic Surgery Trend

On Pippa Middleton’s look from Catherine, Princess of Wales’ wedding inspiring plastic surgery, Dr. David Matlock said, “The media coverage and public interest were immense, and many patients were inspired by her elegant and natural silhouette. It was a defining moment that brought increased attention to body contouring procedures, especially the Brazilian butt lift.”

There’s a rumor Meghan Markle skipped Pippa’s wedding to avoid stealing the spotlight in the same way Pippa did at Kate Middleton’s, especially after a paparazzi photo of Meghan leaving the gym tried to compare her and Pippa. If Meghan had attended that 2017 wedding, who knows if plastic surgery on the rear end — or any trend — would have captivated the world again, and continued to captivate it long after?

Matlock explained the Brazilian butt lift’s longevity, saying, “While it peaked in the years following 2011, the desire for a well-contoured, natural-looking posterior has remained popular.” The truth about Brazilian butt lifts is that they, like any cosmetic surgery, can have complications. However, Matlock said, “The trend has evolved with advancements in techniques and safety measures, and the Brazilian butt lift continues to be a sought-after procedure today. The focus has shifted more towards achieving a balanced and natural look, which resonates well with current aesthetic preferences.”

Source: source names