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Pixar Chief Explains Their Vision for Sequels

Pixar’s Chief Creative Officer recently discussed the studio’s approach to creating sequels. In an interview with Fandango, Pete Docter shared insights on how Pixar decides which projects to pursue. According to Docter, it’s not just about seeking audience approval but also about crafting stories that feel necessary and substantive within the established world of the original movie. Sequels need to push the concept forward in unexpected or novel ways to capture audience interest.

“It’s a combo, because of course, we’re making these for the audience, not for ourselves, so you want to know if they’ll be well-received,” Docter explained. “Then, we do have a sort of guideline or guardrail that if we get a certain way in and it’s not feeling like it’s about something new and substantive, then we’ll cut bait. So, it’s imperative that something feels like, ‘Oh, this is furthering the story!'”

He continued, “I was talking about something that we didn’t explore in the first one. Or, something deeper that we didn’t explore about the human condition or our own experiences in life.”

Pixar’s recent success with sequels makes the announcement of more a natural occurrence. This month’s D23 fan event saw Disney unveil The Incredibles 3. Fans are excited to see this family back in action, although the plot of the new film remains a mystery. During the same interview with Fandango, Docter provided a bit of insight into how Brad Bird, the filmmaker behind the franchise, is approaching the next entry. Bird typically focuses on significant moments that dig into deeper themes, promising a story that will tug at the audience’s heartstrings.

“Brad [Bird] is an amazing collaborator. He’s so fiery and passionate. Different people work different ways,” Docter shared. “He’s a guy who needs a little more time to build up the steam to get the passion and the power going. I think we’re at that point now. And we’re not sharing any details right now, because it’s still pretty malleable in terms of what the story is actually about.”

“The great thing about Brad’s films, when you look at Ratatouille, on one level, it’s a fun romp about a rat that wants to cook. But, really when you dig deeper, it’s about ‘What does it take to do that?’ The passion versus opportunity. He’s always got these deeper sociological ideas and so I think that’s where we’re starting from.”

With The Incredibles 3 now officially on the horizon, fans are left to wonder what new adventures and deeper themes the Parr family will encounter. Docter’s insights suggest that Pixar is committed to ensuring each sequel offers something fresh and meaningful, rather than rehashing old ideas.

Source: Fandango