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‘Plathville’ Fans Discover Moriah Plath’s Regret Over Lying About Olivia

During the last episode of Welcome To Plathville, Moriah Plath and Olivia Plath come together for a heart-to-heart discussion. While they couldn’t resolve all the past issues, Olivia confronts Moriah about some she made very public. But now, fans have found evidence that Moriah truly regrets lying about Olivia.

In the last episode of Welcome To Plathville, Olivia Plath agrees to meet with Moriah Plath and clear the air. During the discussion, it gets tense when Olivia confronts Moriah for lying about her stealing her music. Likewise, she brings up the problem with Kim Plath using Ethan Plath’s credit card. Although it wasn’t completely resolved, Olivia accepts that Moriah knows she made mistakes and she offers her space to learn from them. Moriah said, “I really just wanted to say that I’m sorry for how I handled everything and how I treated you last year.” Then, she adds, “Instead of owning up to what I did or when I messed up or whatever, I was just constantly trying to justify what I was doing.”

Moriah Plath – Welcome To Plathville

Undeniably, Olivia Plath wasn’t sure how to take Moriah Plath’s apology since it wasn’t specific. Olivia says, “I think it’d be really nice for her to be like, ‘Yeah, you know, Ethan told us what actually happened. And I’m sorry I called you a liar in front of the whole world when it was proven to be true. I’m really sorry that I made-up a story about you stealing my music and broadcasted that to everyone.’” Olivia continues in the confessional, “Those, I think, are the two main things that she put out there [into] the world for everyone to believe about me.”

This was right around the time “Circus” was being released and was about Moriah’s feelings around Olivia pushing her away from her family. Moriah also said, “I think even if I’m mad about a situation, I just never again want to do that to somebody, especially publicly.”

Welcome To Plathville Moriah and Olivia Plath - TLC
Welcome To Plathville Moriah and Olivia Plath – TLC

On Reddit, fans believe they found evidence that Moriah Plath is truly remorseful for her actions toward Olivia Plath. First, a user says, “Moriah Removed Her Instagram Post Calling Olivia A Liar.” Further adding, “When doing research, I noticed that all the Plath kids have the ‘Olivia lied about the credit card story’ posted still. All except for Moriah. Hmmm maybe she really is starting to have regrets.” Then, attaches a screenshot of her posts remaining on Instagram. Additionally, the poster shows that the siblings still have the original post regarding Kim Plath using Ethan’s credit card.

Welcome to Plathville - Ethan Plath, Moriah Plath, TLC - Instagram
Welcome to Plathville – Ethan Plath and Moriah Plath, TLC – Instagram

After the initial post on Reddit, several other people give their opinions about Moriah Plath removing herself from the post about Olivia Plath. Although Moriah seemingly is trying to make amends the only way she knows how some fans think she should do more.

  • “Good. Now she should make a new post explaining that she’s actually the liar, not Olivia.”
  • “Right? I hope Moriah doesn’t try to use deleting the post as her owning her behavior – because this is falling short IMO.”
  • “The absolute least she could do. Moriah is so disappointing.”
  • “I feel like Olivia did her best to support Moriah and Micah when their parents didn’t agree with their lifestyle. It’s awful that they all turned against Olivia in the end… Hopefully they can make amends.”
  • Moriah Plath’s actions don’t seem like enough to some viewers, “Cool. Too little too late though. The damage is done.”
  • “I’m sorry but what she accused Olivia of is unforgivable.”
  • “Well its not Moriah’s fault she’s dumb as sh*t and throws accusations out and cant even do basic sh*t like upload her own music !! /s.”
  • “Creating an apology post and owning her own lying would be a good next step.”

What do you think? Does it seem to prove that Moriah Plath is remorseful for talking bad about Olivia Plath? Do you think it is admitting she lied?

Let us know what you think about Welcome To Plathville in the comments below.

Source: TVShowsAce, Reddit